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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/06



摘  要
本课题设计主要针对公交路线查询而开发设计的,采用B/S构架,利用Visual Studio.NET2003开发工具结合C#编程语言来完成了功能和界面设计,实现了公交路线的查询功能(包括按线路查询、按站点查询、按起点终点站查询,提供起点到终点的最短公交路线查询,换乘查询,也支持模糊查询。),并使用了.NET中一些web控件编写数据库连接、更新的代码,从而实现了公交路线信息的管理功能(包括对路线信息的添加、删除、修改)。
The Design and Realization of CPT Bus Lines Query System
City public traffic (CPT for short) is an important infrastructure closely interconnected with production and our daily life.Providing good CPT service is a basic requirement for constructing a harmonious society. Informatization as the basis, promoting the interaction between the passenger, vehicle, station infrastructure and trffic circumstance. and promoting the construction of CPT system.Whereas chinese actual economy developing complexion, people mainly take a bus going out, the CPT system of every cities is so enormous and developed.So developing a CPT bus line query system is greatly necessary, and more meeting the modern society''''s need.
In allusion to the CPT bus line query, the course design is developed and designed. It use B/S mode, and use development tool Visual Studio.NET2003 and programming language C# to completed the function and the design of interface, and realized the query of the CPT bus lines (including query by line, query by stop, query by start stop and end stop, and provide the shortest route querying from start stop to end stop, chang line query, and also support blur query.), and used some Web widgets to compile database connection and updating code, so as to realize the CPT bus lines information management(including add, delete, update the bus lines information).
The thesis has five chapters in all, they are introduction, rationale, system requirement analysis, system design, system actualizing and testing.
Key words: CPT query; stop query; bus line query; the shortest route; chang bus line; blur query;

目  录

1 引言 1
1.1 选题背景 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.3 本课题研究的目的及意义 1
2 理论基础 2
2.1 数据库技术 2
2.2 面向对象技术 2
2.3 B/S架构的WEB程序设计技术 3
3 系统需求分析 4
3.1 现行业务系统描述 4
3.2 现行系统存在的主要问题分析 4
3.3 提出解决方案 4
4 系统设计 5
4.1 系统总体构架 5
4.2 数据库设计 6
4.2.1 E-R图 6
4.2.2 数据逻辑结构 7
4.3 系统功能模块设计 8
4.3.1 前台功能模块 8
4.3.2 管理员登录模块分析 11
4.3.3 后台功能模块分析 13
5 系统实施及测试 21
5.1 实施概况 21
5.2 测试方案 22
5.3 测试结果 23
结    论 23
参考文献 24
致    谢 25
声    明 26

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