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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 16/01/31


论文字数:13964,页数:35  有开题报告,任务书

摘  要



Research and Implementation of Ray Tracing Algorithm

 In computer graphics, the technology of realism plays an important role. The graphics made by realistic technology can reflect minor changes in the surface brightness and colors, which can show the surface texture of an object. By generating the shadow of the light, it improves the sense in depth and gradation of the scene, and reflects the relation of mutual occlusion between objects. Also, realistic technology can simulate transparent objects and mirror effect.
 Ray-tracing algorithm is one of the most important algorithms of realistic generation technology. It used a whole light model to simulate the illumination condition of the scene. Ray-tracing can solve all the issues about hiding, shadow, specula reflection and refraction unaffectedly, and can product a very vivid graphics. The ray-tracing algorithm is hard to understand, but it can be achieved by recursion. The amount of calculation of ray-tracing algorithm is very huge. So, how to minimize the intersection calculation is the key to improving efficiency of the ray-tracing algorithm.
 Starting with the simple light model, this paper researched the ray-tracing algorithm, including the ray-tracing theory, the procedure of ray tracing, and the algorithms of calculating intersection. Depending on the basic theory of ray-tracing algorithm, this paper realized a small-scale demo under the framework of MFC, using the C++ and Windows GDI. The demo set up a 3D scene, and put some objects in it. Then, it can simulate the illumination effect by ray-tracing algorithm.
Key Words:Realistic, Ray Tracing, Lighting Model

 目   录
 毕业论文原创性声明  I
 毕业论文版权使用授权  II
摘要  III
Abstract  IV
1 引言  1
 1.1 课题研究的背景及意义  1
 1.2 国内外研究现状  1
 1.3 本文内容与结构  2
 1.4 本文研究的主要方向  3
2 相关基础知识  4
 2.1 几何光学基础知识  4
 2.2 光线跟踪相关基础  5
 2.2.1 光源  5
 2.2.2 环境光  6
 2.2.3 漫反射  7
 2.2.4 镜面反射光  8
 2.2.5 Phong光照模型  9
 2.2.6 整体光照模型  11
3 光线跟踪算法  13
 3.1 光线跟踪的基本原理  13
 3.2 本文算法实现的思想  16
4 光线与物体的求交  20
 4.1 光线与球的求交  20
 4.1.1 代数解法  20
 4.1.2 几何解法  21
 4.2 光线与多边形的求交  23
 4.3 光线与二次曲面的求交  24
 4.4 本文程序实现的求交算法  25
5 论文总结  27
 5.1 光线跟踪算法的后续研究方向  27
 5.2 辐射度方法  29
 5.3 论文结语  29
致谢  33
参考文献  34

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