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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/06



摘  要
随着教育改革的不断深化,建立一套能够适应这些改变的教育报表管理 系统也就显得尤为重要。教育报表管理系统是根据某教育局的实际需求进行设计开发的,该报表系统主要记录了教育局其管辖范围内所有教学单位内教育情况的数据,并可进行汇总。
本论文设计采用B/S模式,利用VS2005(c#)、Dreamwear8.0、 MSSQL2000数据库等开发技术,设计与开发了包括报表四级权限管理模块、报表WEB录入页面等功能模块。通过本论文设计开发的功能模块,满足了报表系统中用户分级查询各自报表数据、并且相互不影响的功能需求,实现了报表WEB录入页面简洁直观、报表数据上传方便快捷,同时确保了报表数据的保密性和安全性。

关键词: VS2005(c#);报表管理;权限管理

Management System for Education Report Forms
 —The Implementation of Privilege Management Module
Along with the continuous development of educational reformation, it seems particularly important to establish a education management system which can adapt to the set of changes of these statements. The Educational forms management system is based on a Department of Educational office which is demand for the actual design of the development.
This system was designed with B / S mode which was used VS2005 (c #), Dreamwear8.0. MSSQL2000 database technology to design an Educational forms. It was included statements of four power management module and statements such as Web pages input module. In this paper, through the designed function modules, users can inquire about their own statements independently; it realized the functional requirements and achieved the statements Web pages concise visual input. On the other side, it is fast and convenient to upload the statements data, ensuring confidentiality and security of the data.
Key words:  VS2005(c#); report forms management; privilege management

目    录

1引言 1
2 选题背景 1
2.1课题起源 1
2.2课题目的 1
2.3课题意义 1
3相关技术介绍 2
3.1系统架构 2
3.2数据传输方案 2
3.3系统实现环境和技术 3
4需求分析 4
4.1功能需求 4
4.2应解决的问题 5
5数据库设计(权限管理部分) 6
5.1数据库总表 6
5.2数据库关系图 8
6 建模 10
6.1 模块设计(权限管理部分) 10
6.2部署图 12
7 系统实现 12
7.1配置信息管理 12
7.2报表的制作 13
7.3页面的制作 13
7.4用户登陆功能 14
7.5四级权限与用户添加 16
7.6报表权限控制 18
8 测试 19
结    论 19
参考文献 20
致    谢 21
声    明 22


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