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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 16/01/31


论文字数:10271,页数:38  有开题报告,任务书

摘    要

网络办公自动化(Office Automation)是在计算机网络环境中使用计算机处理各种办公事务,例如文件处理、财务管理、收发电子邮件等。它使人的各种办公业务活动逐步转变为由各种设备、各种人机信息系统来协助完成,达到充分利用信息,提高工作效率和工作质量,提高生产效率的目的。早期的基于C/S结构的办公系统已无法满足现在的远程办公要求,而B/S结构弥补了C/S结构的诸多不足,又有自身的优点,是现阶段主流的开发模式。

The enterprise Office Automation System based on B/S mode

Office Automation (OA) is the use of computer systems to execute a variety of office operations, such as word processing, accounting, and e-mail, under the network environment. It assists human''s office affairs by kinds of equipment and information systems, and makes full use of information, enhances the working efficiency and quality. The former OA system based on C/S can not now meets the requirements of remote office affairs, while the B/S mode makes up these and thus becomes the mainstream, with its advantages.
 The aim of this program is to design a common enterprise OA platform, to implement some basic administrative modules, including management of organization, users, roles, system logs, public contacts and so on. It can be applied as an OA framework, simply by modifying and adding some application module codes. The system uses B/S mode and typical three-layer software architecture, and it consults some available OA systems and typical example solutions. During the program, I work by myself, from requirement collection, UI design, software design, to coding and test.
 This article gives an introduction and analysis to the system requirements, database design, and software design. By the end, it shows some running results.
Key Words:office system, administrative module, B/S mode

 目       录
1 绪论 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 课题目的 2
1.3 国内外研究状况 2
1.4 课题研究方法 4
2 OA系统需求 5
2.1 功能需求 5
2.1.1 功能划分 5
2.1.2 功能描述 5
2.2 性能需求 7
2.3 运行环境 7
3 OA系统数据库设计 8
3.1 表结构 8
3.1.1 公司信息表(company) 8
3.1.2 部门信息表(department) 8
3.1.3 用户信息表(users) 8
3.1.4 角色信息表(role) 9
3.1.5 系统日志信息表(systemlog) 9
3.1.6 消息信息表(message) 9
3.1.7 文档信息表(document) 9
3.1.8 公共通讯簿表(contact) 10
3.2 表关系 10
3.3 存储过程 11
3.4 触发器 12
4 OA系统总体设计 13
4.1 开发环境及工具 13
4.2 主要业务流程 14
4.2.1 登录 14
4.3 模块划分 14
4.3.1 系统管理模块 15
4.3.2 通用功能模块 18
4.4 软件体系结构设计 18
4.5 界面设计 20
4.6 其它软件设计 21
4.6.1 系统访问统计 21
4.6.2 系统属性配置 22
4.6.3 URL访问控制 23
4.6.4 在线用户的统计 23
5 系统运行结果 25
5.1 登录界面 25
5.2 首页 25
5.3 修改公司信息 26
5.4 部门树 26
5.5 部门管理 26
5.6 用户树 27
5.7 用户管理 27
5.8 角色管理 27
5.9 工作日志设置 28
5.10 公共通讯簿管理 28
5.11 系统日志管理 28
5.12 系统安全设置 29
结论 30
致谢 31
参考文献 32
附录A 在线用户的统计程序 33

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