B/S模式,利用不断成熟的浏览器技术,实现了复杂的功能,并节约了成本,是一种全新的软件系统构造技术,已日益成为当今应用软件的首选体系结构。21世纪,网络无处不在,本文针对学校不同人员对系统需求的不同,设计并开发了方便不同用户类型使用的学生成绩查询系统。本文描述了基于.NET框架、ASPNET/ style=text-decoration:underline;font-size:14px;color:#2B4DD5; target=_blank>ASP.NET和SQL技术的学生成绩查询系统的实现方案。该方案采用了B/S模型,实现了系统的主要功能,包括学生成绩查询、教师成绩录入、学生教师留言并得到教务人员回复,教务人员用户管理等功能。本文主要讲述学生成绩查询系统的系统结构设计、数据库设计、系统详细设计等方面。在数据库方面,设计并建立了学生成绩表,用户信息表,教务公告表,教务留言回复表等。但是系统也有不足之处,如用户界面的设计可以进一步美观;系统功能可以进一步扩展。
关键词: B/S模式,体系结构,ASPNET/ style=text-decoration:underline;font-size:14px;color:#2B4DD5; target=_blank>ASP.NET,SQL技术,三层结构
Student achievement enquiry system
With the development of internet in China, it affects our learning, living and working methods. Especially, the campus network system based on the internet play an important role in all kinds of education, teaching and management work around the country.
B/S mode, taking advantage of the maturity of the browser technology, achieving a complex function and saving the cost, is a new software system structure technology. It has increasingly become the first choice in today''s application software architecture. In 21 century, network is everywhere. In this paper, according to the different needs of different people, I design and develop the student achievement enquiry system to facilitate the use of different types of users .The paper describes the implementation of the student achievement enquiry system based on the .NET framework, the ASPNET/ style=text-decoration:underline;font-size:14px;color:#2B4DD5; target=_blank>ASP.NET technology and SQL technology. Using the B/S mode, the program implements the main function of the system, and it includes student achievement enquiry, teachers input results, students & teachers leave message and get reply and users management. This paper mainly describes the system architecture design, database design, detailed design and other aspects of system. In database design, it designs and establishes a student card, the user information form, the Senate notice table, the Senate resumed messages, etc .However, the system still has some disadvantage. For example, user interface is designed to further appearance and system can be further expanded.
Key Words: B/S mode, Architecture, ASPNET/ style=text-decoration:underline;font-size:14px;color:#2B4DD5; target=_blank>ASP.NET, SQL technology, Three-Layer Structure
1.绪论 1
1.1课题背景 1
1.2网上查询系统的优点 1
1.3课题研究方法 2
1.4论文的组织结构 3
2..NET应用平台技术分析 4
2.1系统应用的平台 4
2.1.1 Internet信息服务器——IIS6.0 4
2.1.2 数据库服务器——Microsoft SQL Server 2005 4
2.1.3 开发平台——.NET框架 7
2.2系统的开发技术 8
2.2.1 Web编程技术——ASPNET/ style=text-decoration:underline;font-size:14px;color:#2B4DD5; target=_blank>ASP.NET 8
2.2.2 数据存储模型——ADO.NET 10
2.2.3 面向对象编程语言——C# 11
3.需求分析与数据库设计 12
3.1需求分析 12
3.1.1 功能描述 13
3.1.2 性能需求 13
3.2 B/S体系结构以及优点 14
3.3 数据库设计 15
3.4 数据库操作抽象 17
4.学生成绩查询系统详细设计 18
4.1 系统用例分析 18
4.2 系统层次 20
4.3 系统安全性验证 22
4.4 界面框架设计 23
4.5 系统模块分析 23
4.5.1 学生模块 26
4.5.2 老师模块 28
4.5.3 管理员模块 29
结束语 31
系统的特点 31
系统的不足与展望 31
致谢 32
参考文献 33