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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 16/01/31


论文字数:15416,页数:47  有开题报告,任务书

摘  要
 Eclipse是IBM向开放源码社区捐赠的开发框架,一个基于Java的可扩展开发平台,这个平台本身是由多个子系统构成的,而每个子系统又是由一个或多个建立在平台运行库(Platform Runtime)之上的插件实现的。
 关键字: Eclipse,插件,编辑器,内容灵敏提示,搜索
IDE Design of memory assistant based
on Eclipse platform
 Eclipse is a development frame which IBM donated to the open source community and an expansive platform based on Java. Many subsystems constitute the platform, but each sub-
system also is realized by one or more plugins which are based on platform runtime.As an int-
egrated development environment Eclipse is extremely outstanding without doubt, but the ex-
pansive mechanism of plug-in is the very characteristic and superiority of it. Eclipse itself  provided a frame to develop plug-in. And this paper is aimed to penetrate into its ex-pansive mechanism of plugin gradually from the beginning of understanding the platform architecture of Eclipse, and then develop a small plug-in under plug-in development environment (PDE) provided by Eclipse.
 The major work of this paper is to grasp the key of expansive mechanism of plug-in- setting of extension-point, design and realize a java source code editor providing sensitive assistant and loacal document search , then integrate with Eclipse platform seamlessly by extension-point. The explo-ration and innovation work this paper does, can provide the reader an actual and visible reference to get familiar with Eclipse plug-in development sooner and better, and share the pleasure experiences of development in the Eclipse platform with the readers.
Keywords: Eclipse, Plug-in, editor, content sensitive assistant, search
目  录
基于Eclipse平台“编辑助手”插件开发与实现 I
摘  要 I
1. 绪论 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 论文结构及主要内容 1
1.3 ECLISPE平台简介 2
1.4 ECLISPE插件开发概述 3
1.4.1 插件开发简介 3
1.4.2 插件开发的优势和不足 4
2. ECLLPSE平台及插件扩展机制 5
2.1 ECLIPSE平台技术概述 5
2.1.1平台体系结构 5
2.1.2平台组件层次 7
2.2 ECLIPSE平台插件扩展机制的实现 7
2.2.1适配器模式简介 7
2.2.2 IAdaptable接口 8
3. 编辑助手插件的需求与设计 10
3.1 需求概述 10
3.1.1 运行环境 10
3.1.2 功能需求 10
3.2 结构设计 10
4. 编辑助手插件的开发与实现 12
4.1前置条件 12
4.1.1 开发环境 12
4.1.2 插件开发引用的开源项目 12
4.1.3 图形界面开发包 13
4.2 在ECLIPSE中进行插件开发 14
4.2.1 插件建立 14
4.2.2 扩展设置 15
4.2.3 插件实现 17
4.2.4 插件成品 27
4.2.5 插件发布 30
5. 开发难点与解决途径 31
5.1 JAVA源文件的解析 31
5.2插件的依赖性和使用第三方JAR文件 32
5.3WORD文档的内容提取 33
5.4 PDF文档的内容提取 34
5.5 资料问题如何解决 34
结  论 36
致  谢 37
参考文献 38
附  录 40
1.1. 附录A :引用 40
1.2. 附录B :ECLISPE插件的安装及卸载 40
1.2.1. ECLIPSE插件的安装 40
1.2.2. ECLIPSE插件的卸载 41
1.3. 附录C:相关资源 41

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