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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 16/01/29



摘 要

  With the application of computer technology continues to develop, the operating system and application software functions are also constantly improve powerfully. And they generate a log file also changed the complex, volatile, so the log analysis system will come into being strengthen its own processing functions. So that it can handle more types of log files  while also improving .We hoping for more features better service to everyone.
 Based on the brief introduction of C++ language, MFC-based design Framework and the mind of object-oriented which are frequently implemented by Windows. This paper attempts to introduce the design and implementation of MFC-based log system in detail. Besides the traditional method of analysis, the system added settings which are more artificial. Except the simple analysis of log files, the system achieved that users can analysis logs as they want by reset the key fields under a certain rule no matter how the log format is changed. It was got greatly improved for traditional log analysis tools from users perspective.
KeyWords: windows applications;C++;MFC Framework ;traditional log analysis

摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章  绪论 - 1 -
 1.1 课题研究背景 - 1 -
 1.2 研究内容 - 2 -
 1.3日志分析系统未来的发展 - 3 -
第2章 开发环境和开发语言技术 - 4 -
 2.1 Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0简介 - 4 -
 2.2 STL模板 - 6 -
 2.3 逻辑分析 - 7 -
 2.4 本章小结 - 7 -
第3章 课题定义和可行性分析 - 8 -
 3.1问题定义 - 8 -
 3.2 可行性分析 - 8 -
第4章  设计原理与思路 - 10 -
 4.1基本机能设计 - 10 -
 4.1.1 机能概述 - 10 -
 4.1.2 抽出项目定义 - 10 -
 4.1.3 简单抽出 - 11 -
 4.1.4 时序图的作成 - 11 -
 4.1.5 二个文件的比较 - 11 -
 4.1.6 复杂抽出 - 11 -
 4.1.7 其它机能 - 11 -
 4.2 日志文件记录的说明 - 12 -
 4.2.1 日志数据概要 - 12 -
 4.2.2 通常的日志 - 12 -
 4.2.3 任务间事件关系日志 - 12 -
第5章 日志分析的系统设计 - 14 -
 5.1 系统设计概要 - 14 -
 5.2 数据结构设计 - 14 -
 5.2.1 CLogSwitchToolView的资料成员 - 15 -
 5.2.2 CDataStruct的资料成员 - 16 -
 5.2.3 菜单设计 - 17 -
 5.3 其它画面设计 - 18 -
 5.3.1 检索画面 - 19 -
 5.3.2 消息数据抽出画面 - 19 -
 5.3.3 时序图作成画面 - 19 -
 5.3.4 比较画面 - 19 -
 5.3.5 抽出项目定义画面 - 20 -
 5.4 处理说明 - 20 -
 5.4.1 消息数据抽出处理说明 - 20 -
 5.4.2 时序图作成处理说明 - 21 -
 5.5 抽出项目定义的基本命令的说明 - 23 -
 5.5.1 serch_data命令 - 23 -
 5.5.2 skip命令 - 24 -
 5.5.3 check命令 - 24 -
 5.5.4 scan命令 - 25 -
 5.5.5 pos_check命令 - 26 -
 5.5.6 select_start和select_end命令 - 26 -
 5.5.7 define_data命令 - 27 -
第6章 结束语 - 29 -
致谢 - 30 -
参考文献 - 31 -
附录一  文件分析的数据结构 - 33 -
附录二 函数一览 - 34 -

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