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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/06




关键字:驾驶理论;考试模拟系统;SQL Server2000
  Theory Testing System of Driving School Based on .NET
With the development of modern Internet and wide apllication of information technology, computer has been deeply used in every fileds. The online test system is widely applied thanks about its convenience and speediness. Driving theory test is a pracitcal application of online test. And now burdensome work such as the prepatation, printing, checking has been done by computer.
This system has simulating function which achieves users management, test papers management, random test making and automatic checking. This system judges user’s right when logging in and then directs the users to corresponding pages. After loging, according to the role of user, the system randomly chooses one set of exammination paper and the student finish this paper in limited time. The system finally automatically check the test paper and present the result. Thus it provides reasonable convenience for both students and teachers who check the paper.

Key Words: driving theory;test simulating system; SQL Server 2000


1引言 1
2系统概述 1
2.1开发目的 1
2.2开发环境 1
2.3硬件需求 1
3系统总体设计 2
3.1系统功能设计 2
3.2系统功能模块划分 3
4 数据库设计 4
4.1总体设计 4
4.2数据库表设计 4
4.3表关系设计 6
5 系统详细设计 7
5.1系统通用类设计 7
5.1.1基本通用类设计 7
5.1.2应用数据通用类设计 7
5.1.3数据库通用类设计 8
5.2 用户登录和新用户注册 8
5.2.1用户界面设计 8
5.2.2用户登录 8
5.2.3用户注册 9
5.3 用户及其权限管理 9
5.3.1用户管理 9
5.3.2用户角色管理 10
5.3.3用户密码修改 11
5.4题库设计 11
5.4.1试题种类管理 11
5.4.2试题图片管理 12
5.4.3添加试题 12
5.4.4修改试题 13
5.4.5删除试题 13
5.4.6试题答案设计 13
5.4.7试题答案添加 14
5.4.8试题答案修改 14
5.4.9试题答案删除 14
5.5试卷设计 15
5.5.1添加新试卷 15
5.5.2修改试卷 15
5.5.3删除试卷 15
5.6随机生成试卷 16
5.7考生在线答题 20
5.8自动阅卷 22
5.9考试结果 22
结    论 23
参考文献 23
致    谢 24
声    明 25

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