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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 16/01/31



摘  要

关键字:电影 影城 网上订票 订票系统

Cinema booking system based on WEB

 With the Internet thriving, many e-commerce matures, many of profit or nonprofit business, and even government agencies are also actively marketing the use of networks or services. For example, Taobao Mall, achieved in the online shop to sell goods and a series of services; another example, the central government portal, to establish communication between the people and the Government of online bridge. Film industry, too, the topic for cinema booking system to do some research online, look forward to in the study to obtain the relevant techniques and concepts.
 This article discusses in depth the process of WEB application systems development and related technology, combined with the actual function of artificial ticketing system and business process analysis needs, using dynamic pages, database, data structure technique, the online booking system solutions. The entire system is divided into a description, member services, movie tickets booking and other modules, the main analysis and design of the members of the watch every movie seat selection.
Keywords: movie  studios  online booking  reservation system

目  录
摘  要 Ⅰ
1绪论 1
 1.1引言 1
 1.2网上订票系统的优越性和实际应用价值 1
 1.3研究课题的背景和意义 2
2构建系统基础 3
 2.1网页与网站 3
 2.2HTML概念 3
 2.3 ASP简介 4
 2.4数据库 5
3系统分析与设计 11
 3.1前台系统构架 11
 3.2后台系统构架 12
 3.3配置数据库 13
4资料库设计 14
 4.1资料结构 14
 4.2实体关联图 17
5网站的建设 18
 5.1首页 index 18
 5.2会员登录 21
 5.3会员操作页面 22
 5.4热映影片 23
6订票功能的实现 25
 6.1座位表的设计 25
 6.2座位的预定 27
7结论与展望 31 
 7.1总结 31
 7.2展望 32
参考文献 33
谢辞 34

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