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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/06



摘 要
论文主要讲述了工作流引擎的基本功能及设计方法,介绍工作流引擎的基本原理,具体分析了工作流引擎所包含的内容,详细介绍了相关的信息模型和控制模型。系统采用关系结构的理念来设计工作流引擎,给出了用Microsoft Visual Studio 2005和Microsoft SQL Server2000实现系统的方法。论文中利用本工作流引擎构建系统能适应大多数业务流程的扭转,大大缩短常见信息系统的项目开发周期,提高效率。

The design of information system frame based on workflow engine
---- The subsystem of workflow engine
Workflow is a series of interlocking, automatic business activities or tasks. Workflow engine is the work flow management system in the core, and its main function is to define, implement and manage work flow through the support of computer technology as well as co-ordinate work flow process of working implementation and groups of information between members of interaction.
The thesis has mainly described basic functions and design of the workflow engine, introduced the basic theories, and specifically analyzed the content included in the work flow and the details of the relevant information model and control model. The idea of relation structure has been used to design this system and the method to achieve the system function with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 and Microsoft SQL Server2000 has been given out. Constructing system with the workflow engine can adapt to the majority of the business process reversing that significantly reduce the development cycle of the common information system and improve efficiency.
Key words: Workflow engine; Critical business; Relationship

目  录

1 引言 1
2 开发概述 1
2.1 Visual C# 语言概述 1
2.2 工作流引擎概述 2
2.3 工作流引擎现状分析 3
3 需求分析 4
3.1 用户需求 4
3.2 工作流引擎的分析 4
3.3 业务流程 5
3.4 开发运行环境 6
4 工作流引擎的设计 6
4.1 模块的划分 6
4.2 功能描述 6
4.3 工作流引擎的详细设计 7
4.4 数据库结构的设计 9
5 工作流引擎的实现 12
5.1 状态图管理的设计 12
5.1.1 功能描述 12
5.1.2 界面设计 12
5.1.3 工作流程和部分代码 13
5.2 任务管理窗体 14
5.2.1 功能描述 14
5.2.2 界面设计 14
5.2.3 工作流程和部分代码 15
5.3 任务指派窗体 16
5.3.1 功能描述 16
5.3.2 界面设计 16
5.3.3 工作流程和部分代码 17
6 测试结果 18
结    论 18
参考文献 18
致    谢 20
声    明 21

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