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摘  要

Virtual Experimental Platform based on Network
--Design and Implementation of Circuit Management Module
Virtual Experimental Platform is a good platform to upgrade the quality of teaching. With the platform, we can simulate each steps and experiment effects of interface technology experiments totally by software. The mainly functions of the platform have been implemented in local computer version. But as the network gets increasingly important today, it is not enough to use a platform only in local machine. Obviously, it gets more and more important to improve the networking ability for the platform. As improving the networking ability, it will encounter many problems, such as the definition of circuit diagram files, the conversion of NAT, the selection of transmission channel and protocol, and etc. In the thesis, it is mainly to design a circuit diagram file format which is in accordance with virtual experiment platform.  In the file format, it is necessary to describe the software module information which is used to simulate the device functions, besides the device information, the chip pin information, and the connectivity information of a general circuit. All the information is described in a self defined text file. As the platform is activated, it can implement different experiment by choosing different circuit diagram file. In the experiment, as updating connecting line is possible, recoding and saving the operations are required in the module. Furthermore, as another important basic function of the virtual experiment platform based on networking, circuit diagram file could transmit and update by networking.
Key words: Virtual Experimental Platform; Network improvements; Circuit Management; P2P; NAT Conversion 


1 引言 2
1.1 课题研究意义 2
1.2 课题研究方法 2
2 涉及到的技术 3
2.1 电路管理 3
2.2 电路图的传输--P2P技术 3
2.3 P2P要解决的重要问题--NAT转换 3
3 涉及到的概念 4
3.1 虚拟实验平台 4
3.2 VC++开发环境简介 4
3.3 API简介 4
3.4 8253芯片功能简单介绍 5
4 软件设计的功能简介 6
4.1 电路图设计 6
4.2 电路图的连线操作 7
4.3 连线部分电路图文件的保存 8
4.4 对于保存信息的读取 9
5 电路文件格式的定义 9
5.1 什么是电路图文件 9
5.2 连线部分的保存格式 9
5.3 8253实验连线部分格式 10
5.4 芯片部分的保存格式 11
5.5 8253实验芯片部分格式 11
6 程序代码设计 14
6.1 总体思想 14
6.2 命名规则 14
6.3 主要涉及到的类 14
6.4 打开实验电路图文件 15
6.5 添加新线操作 17
6.6 对添加新线的保存操作 18
6.7 读取保存的连线操作 19
7 改进建议和措施 19
7.1 平台后期期望 19
7.2 平台改进建议 19
结    论 20
参考文献 20
致    谢 21
声    明 22

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