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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 16/01/31


论文字数:16810,页数:31  有开题报告,任务书

摘    要

The design and implement of e-document exchange system based on multi organizations
 With the development of the national information, the traditional artificial exchange way of official documents between all departments can’t meet the further demand of our government, a new way (electronic official change system) which can improve the efficiency of transmission and implementation of official documents is highly needed. Aim of setting up the system is to make the convenient transmission and implementation of official documents between different sections, they can use it through the united exchange platform, and not only the same grade sections but also the higher and lower level can do official things fluently.
 Compared to the traditional electronic official document exchange system which is set up by the Fat Client with C/S architecture, there are many obvious advantages of the new system which is basic on Intelligent Client with B/S architecture of WEB. Users can handle all official things such as exchanging official documents through IE explorer, and needn’t to install specialized application procedures to the client. Specialized staffs will maintenance the whole system in the information centre instead of every user, it greatly reduced their troubles of system’s maintenance and upgrade, and meanwhile, users can be free from it. And if any department wants to start or close this electronic system, administers can just do corresponding actions. Documents of all sections can be managed through the electronic official document system, and we can urge and track the dealing of these documents effectively.
 Key Words: E-government; E-official document; Smart client; Electronic Seal

 目       录
1. 绪论 1
1.1. 背景 1
1.1.1. 业务背景 1
1.1.2. 智能客户端 2
1.2. 论文组织结构 3
2. 电子公文交换 4
2.1. 什么是电子公文交换 4
2.2. 当前电子公文交换存在的问题 4
2.3. 本系统的解决方案 5
3. 系统分析 6
3.1. 客户需求 6
3.2. 流程分析 7
3.2.1. 公文交换流程 7
3.2.2. 非正式公文交换流程 10
3.2.3. 任务管理 13
3.2.4. 其他功能 14
3.3. 系统安全分析 14
3.3.1. 系统安全 14
3.3.2. 用户安全 15
3.3.3. 交换安全 16
4. 系统设计和实现与关键技术 17
4.1. 数据库设计 17
4.2. 电子公文交换流程设计 18
4.2.1. 公文交换流程设计 18
4.2.2. 非正式公文交换流程设计 20
4.3. 系统集成 20
4.4. Web Service 21
4.5. Ajax 22
4.6. 文件服务器 23
5. 结束语 25
5.1. 项目开发总结 25
5.2. 进一步的开发设计 25
5.3. 致谢 25
参考文献 27

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