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摘  要
在信息时代,日益普及的Internet不仅带给人们更多及时的资讯信息,而且也在生活的各个方面带给人们更多的便捷,在一定程度上改变着人类的生活方式,例如在线购物。人们只要通过Internet的连接,在个人电脑上登录各种销售网站,就可以进行商品的在线购买。电子产品销售网站是一个网络销售系统,它提供了信息发布、产品展示、在线订购、订单管理等功能,并包含一个会员系统,在功能上已经能满足一个小型电子产品销售企业的在线销售需求。它是以VS.NET 2005作为开发平台,使用C#语言设计操作控件和编写操作程序,同时采用SQL Server 2005数据库来管理数据信息,完成对数据的输入、修改、存储等处理。本文主要阐述了本系统的开发环境、体系结构和运行平台等概念问题,并对数据流、工作流的处理进行了详细介绍,对各个子系统的功能要点、设计思路及设计方法都作了描述。

      关键词:在线购物;C#;VS.NET 2005;SQL server 2005  

The Design and Implementation of Online Electronic Products Shop based on the ASPNET/ style=text-decoration:underline;font-size:14px;color:#2B4DD5; target=_blank>ASP.NET
In the information era, internet has not only brought us more information, but also more convenience in our life. Internet applications such as internet shopping is changing our life. People can log on different web site to buy different things online. This is a system of an online electronic products shop. It''''s a small online shopping system provides the function of information release, product show, online ordering, order management and others, also includes a membership management system.
The System adopts VS.NET 2005 as development platform, C# as development language and SQL Server 2005 Express as database management system. The thesis expatiates the development environment, test platform and the architecture of this system. It also has introduction about data stream, work stream and described functional elements, design ideas, design methods of various subsystems.
      Key words:Online shopping; C sharp;VS.NET 2005; SQL server 2005

目   录

1 引言 1
2 开发工具及环境简介 1
2.1 SQL Server 2005 简介 1
2.2 ASPNET/ style=text-decoration:underline;font-size:14px;color:#2B4DD5; target=_blank>ASP.NET 2.0简介 2
2.3 Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2005 速成版介绍 3
3 电子产品销售网站的设计 4
3.1 系统体系结构 4
3.2 功能需求分析 4
3.3 非功能需求分析 4
3.4 项目框图 5
4 电子产品销售网站的实现 5
4.1 数据库的设计与实现 5
4.2 各个子系统具体实现的功能介绍和代码分析 7
4.2.1 产品发布子系统 7
4.2.2 新闻发布子系统 10
4.2.3 会员子系统 14
4.2.4 在线订购子系统 17
4.2.5 其他 19
5 结果测试、性能分析 21
5.1 环境测试 21
5.1.1 硬件环境 21
5.1.2 软件环境 21
5.2 主要模块测试 21
5.2.1 登录模块测试 21
5.2.2 后台管理测试 22
5.2.3 产品订购测试 23
5.3 性能分析 23
结    论 24
参考文献 24
致    谢 25
声    明 26


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