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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 16/01/31


论文字数:27995,页数:46  有开题报告,任务书


Research and Realization on Semantic Based Specialized Literatures Learning System
 The literature study is important in an entire study process, and also indispensable in the further study. To attention literature study, not only walk little tortuous path, consolidated specialized knowledge, moreover also unify senior''s experience to carry on the innovation in the certain degree. And, the most front theories are also manifested in the literature. Therefore, the specialized literatures which are found quickly and accurately may enhance the study efficiency and promote specialized accomplishment. But nowadays literature retrieval is basic on matching grammar and full text retrieval technology. The result is not satisfied to learners. It takes lots of time to search articles, but maybe they are not in need.
 This paper proposes the framework of specialized literature study system through analyzing the semantic web structure, studying ontology knowledge, and researching RDF inference technology. The purpose of the framework is to withdraw the semantic information of the specialized literature, and to manage the specialized literature classification of files. It realizes semantic analysis of specialized literature and gives the inquiry system enough semantic information to solve problems that current literature retrieval system is difficult to distinguish the synonym words and search correlation information and so on, in order to study further and communicate each other.
 The keynotes of this article are metadata description for literature, subject ontology creation, RDF semantic retrieval. They are also the theory bases of semantic retrieval. Firstly, according to the structure of specialized literatures and main content which students care for, we build the metadata database for literatures. Then after analyzing knowledge structure and characteristics, we build a subject ontology which is directed against the subject knowledge of computer network course. According to representation relationship between the field ontology and metadata, the specialized literature can related to its subject knowledge feature and obtain knowledge structure. And then add the semantic description about resources by RDF, it support some limited inference according to RDF description method and entailment rules.
 We have developed a specialized literature study system on computer network field based on semantic. This system tries to solve problems that ordinary systems can not do, such as identify synonyms, relative retrieval. The result of experimentation proves that this retrieval framework makes semantic of specialized literatures sufficiently emerged and the good feasibility of search strategy.
Key Word:Semantic Web, Ontology, RDF, Semantic Retrieval, Metadata
1. 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及目的 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 2
1.3 本文主要工作 3
2. 语义万维网 4
2.1 语义web技术 4
2.1.1 语义web概念 4
2.1.2 语义web结构 5
2.1.3 语义web的基础和核心 10
2.2 Ontology的定义和内涵 11
2.3 元数据 13
2.3.1 元数据概念 13
2.3.2 学习对象元数据标准 14
2.3.3 元数据结构 15
2.4 资源描述框架(RDF) 15
2.4.1 RDF概述 15
2.4.2 RDF与XML 16
2.4.3 RDF特性 18
3. 语义检索 20
3.1 搜索引擎发展趋势 20
3.2 语义检索的实现思路和方法 21
3.3 工具介绍 22
3.3.1 建立本体工具Protégé 22
3.3.2 Jena在语义检索中的作用 23
4. 系统设计 26
4.1 需求分析 26
4.2 设计目标 27
4.3 开发工具与平台 27
4.4 总体设计 27
4.4.1 系统流程 27
4.4.2 设计拟用途径 28
4.4.3 领域本体 29
4.4.4 领域规则库 30
4.4.5 解析推理 31
4.5 系统实现 33
4.5.1 系统界面 33
4.5.2 实验结果 34
5. 结论与展望 35
5.1 结论 35
5.2 展望 35
致谢 37
参考文献 38

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