论文字数:16648,页数:39 有开题报告,任务书,PPT
Using Workflow Teachnology in Development of ERP Software
The Implementation and Value of Move Business
Successful inventory management not only helps enterprises to reduce the inventory volumes, but also to meets customers’ demand for commodities. And helps enterprises to reduce inventory costs, increases the flow of funds, at the same time helps the enterpises gain more profits, enable enterprises to enter a benign operation state. Move business as an important aspect of inventory management can accelerates the circulation flow of goods and timely delivery. To integrate of workflow technology, make the ERP products change from function-oriented to flow-oriented.
This paper describes the design and implantation of supply relationship and move business, transform rules of bills, audit workflow in move business among three parts. The implementation of the business, will provide a solution for the move of goods, and help enterprises accelerate the execution process and monitoring of move flow, so as to minimize inventory costs and increase cash flow.
This paper first gives the brief introduction of the background of the project, followed by the system design, detailed design description of the process of development of the system and then displays a part of the development results. Finally, the testing part gives a brief introduction of the validation process
Key Words: Enterprise Resource Planning, Inventory Management, Move Business, Workflow Technology
目 录
1. 绪论 1
1.1 项目来源及开发的目的意义 1
1.1.1 来源 1
1.1.2 项目开发的目的及意义 1
1.2 项目的背景情况分析 1
1.2.1 ERP产品的现状分析 1
1.2.2 库存管理模块开发的现状 2
1.3 项目基础技术介绍 2
1.3.1 模型驱动架构技术简介 2
1.3.2 EJB技术简介 3
1.3.3 工作流技术简介 3
1.3.4 O/R Mapping框架简介 4
1.3.5 其他技术、框架简介 4
1.4 本章小结 4
2. 项目的需求分析与总体设计 5
2.1 项目需求分析 5
2.1.1 项目描述 5
2.1.2 系统主要功能需求 5
2.2 系统性能需求 6
2.2.1 精度 6
2.2.2 时间要求 6
2.2.3 故障处理要求 6
2.2.4 其他要求 6
2.3 系统运行环境需求 7
2.3.1 服务端运行环境需求 7
2.3.2 客户端运行环境需求 7
2.4 总体设计方案 7
2.4.1 定义供应关系和调拨规则 8
2.4.2 设计新单据 8
2.4.3 BOTP规则 9
2.4.4 事务类型 10
2.4.5 审批工作流 10
2.5 本章小结 10
3. 详细设计 11
3.1 定义供应关系和调拨规则 11
3.2 要货申请单的字段和表设计 11
3.3 BOTP规则设计 11
3.4 事务类型: 17
3.5 审批工作流 17
3.6 本章小结 18
4. 系统实现 19
4.1 系统实现主要开发工具和开发环境 19
4.2 主要开发实现流程介绍 19
4.3 各主要模块系统实现 22
4.3.1 供应关系和调拨规则的设置 22
4.3.2 BOTP规则的实现 22
4.3.3 事务类型 22
4.3.4 审批工作流的实现 22
4.4 部分成果展示 26
4.5 本章小结 29
5. 系统测试及性能优化 30
5.1 系统测试 30
5.1.1 单元测试 30
5.1.2 功能测试 30
5.1.3 集成测试 30
5.1.4 性能测试 30
5.2 性能优化 31
5.2.1 去掉所有数据库表的外键 31
5.2.2 创建必要的索引 31
5.2.3 序时簿页面采用虚模式 31
5.3 本章小结 31
结 论 32
致 谢 33
参考文献 34