论文字数:13545,页数:33 有开题报告,任务书
A Low Cost Test for Extended Compatibilities Scan Tree Architecture ABSTRACT
With the transistor counts exponentially increasing, scan-based designs are widely employed to reduce test generation time. Full scan-based design is one of the most important designs for testability (DFT) methodologies in very large scale integration (VLSI) circuits and in system-on-chip (SoC) cores. In this DFT methodology, all flip-flops are enhanced to scan cells, and test application time depends on the length of the longest scan chain. Though full scan design reduces test generation complexity drastically, the test cost including test application time, test data volume and test power is very high, and it increases the cost of automatic test equipment (ATE).
Recently, scan tree techniques have been proposed to reduce test application time. In these techniques, scan cells are constructed into a tree structure. The length of the longest scan chain is reduced. During scan operation, test data are shifted into the scan tree via one scan cell at the root. The scan cells in the same level have the same shifted test data. Therefore, to keep fault coverage, the scan cells should be compatible for all the test vectors. We previously proposed an extended compatibilities scan tree technique, employing logic NOT and XOR functions, reduces test application time and average test power drastically by shifting the same test values into(out from) the compatible scan flip-flops simultaneously. However, the hardware overhead is higher. In particular, the number of scan outputs is too larger so that the compact of test response data is difficult.
This thesis proposes a scan tree architecture of extended compatibilities based on the concept of dumb element. This method can efficiently reduce the number of scan outputs. Experimental results show that our approach achieves almost the same test application time, test input data volume, test power and area overhead compared with the previous construction. For S38584 of ISCAS’89 benchmark circuits, the test response data volume reduces 48.3%.
Keywords:design for testability, full scan testing, scan tree, low power testing
摘要 I
1绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究目标及其内容 3
1.2.1研究目标 3
1.2.2研究内容 4
1.3文章的组织 4
2.扫描树结构 5
2.1构造扫描树 5
3.扩展扫描树技术 7
3.1扩展相容性的概念 7
3.2构造扫描树 8
3.3减少扫描输出个数 9
3.4降低平均功耗 11
4扩展相容性扫描树的构造方法 12
4.1相容图 12
4.2原始扩展相容性扫描树构造算法 12
4.3改进的扫描树构造算法[28] 14
4.3.1扫描单元重新分组 15
4.3.2分组重新排序 16
4.3.3扫描树倒置 16
4.3.4扩展扫描树的改进算法 16
4.4此算法的缺点 17
5.基于哑元的扩展相容性扫描树构造方法 18
5.1子节点的表示 18
5.1.1异或节点为其子节点的唯一前驱节点 18
5.1.2异或节点为其子节点的两个前驱节点之一 18
5.2新的扫描树构造方法 19
6.平台工具选择及实验结果与结论 21
6.1平台工具选择 21
6.2实验结果 22
总结与展望 24
致谢 25
参考文献 26