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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 16/01/28



摘  要
关 键 词:流媒体;流式传输;媒体服务器;校园网视频系统;远程多媒体教学系统
 Title: Streaming media technique and its application of education research
Since the 21st century, the Internet network communication technology, the rapid development of human daily life and has been working mode exerted a profound impact on traditional and also the education teaching mode made a great challenge. Online education, network curriculum development has become the center of education for colleagues discuss topics and education reform and development in the 21st century a new trend. But in today''s world, the rapid development of science and technology, knowledge economy has weakened, knowledge economy demands for innovation education, we change the traditional education teaching mode, the development of students'' innovation consciousness and creative thinking ability, training innovative talents.
 Based on the introduction of streaming media technology part describes the basic concept of streaming media: and the related concepts. In the text introduces the principle of streaming media technology and media server hardware platform. Finally the main introduces streaming media technology education application: two video network system solutions and long-distance multimedia teaching plan.

KEY WORDS: Streaming media; Streaming; Media server, Campus network video systems, Distance multimedia teaching system
TYPE OF THESIS:application research

目  录
摘  要 I
目  录 V
1 引言 1
2 流媒体技术的概述机原理 3
2.1 流媒体技术的概述 3
2.1.1 流媒体的概念 3
2.1.2 流媒体系统的组成 3
2.1.3 传统的多媒体与流媒体 4
2.2 流媒体技术的原理 4
2.3 流媒体技术在教育应用中的问题 5
3 流媒体技术的发展现状 7
3.1 流媒体技术的应用现状 7
3.1.1 网络视频直播 7
3.1.2 远程教育 7
3.1.3 视频点播及电视电话会议 7
3.2 流媒体技术的研究现状 8
3.2.1 编码及压缩 8
3.2.2 服务器的性能提高 8
3.2.3 媒体流传输的质量控制 8
4 流媒体技术在教育应用的特点 9
4.1 教学信息的交互性和实时性 9
4.2 教学资源的丰富性 9
4.3 教学系统的开放性 9
5 流媒体技术在教育应用中的建议 11
5.1 媒体的资源定位 11
5.2 节点选择 11
5.2.1 面向系统健壮性与网络负载均衡性的节点选择 11
5.2.2 面向流服务质量的节点选择 12
5.2.3 面向系统健壮性与网络负载均衡性的节点选择 12
5.3 容错机制 12
5.4 激励机制 13
5.4.1 给予信誉的激励机制 13
5.4.2 基于市场模型的激励机制 13
5.4.3 给予惩罚的激励机制 13
5.4.4 给予社会福利的激励机制 14
6 结语 15
致    谢 17
参考文献 19

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