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论文字数:13092,页数:35 有开题报告,任务书,PPT

摘 要

 本系统的基础数据来源于SAP系统导出的数据。人力资源审批流程会随着管理办法的改变而改变,系统通过使用XML配置方法实现,只需修改系统XML文件的配置系统就可以适应新的SAP文件模板和审批流程的变化。系统体系结构为C/S模式, 通过继承MisCore的权限控制类进行页面权限的控制,同时增加了数据范围,控制每个用户能看到的数据范围。为了提高项目的质量,通过使用CMMI4过程基线对过程中相关的子过程:需求评审、设计评审、单元测试、集成测试、系统测试过程进行量化控制。
The Design and Implementation for Human Resource System of Ideal Enterprise

 As the development and popularization of software products, Ideal expect to set up a suit of advanced human resource management system according with it’s actuality to implement the function of modernist human resource management and supply powerful data sustain for managers .
 Based on the requirement of Ideal Corporation human resource department, the system includes seven block such as personal information manage, personnel manage, train manage, recruitment manage, department query, Stat & analysis and system manage. It transforms the way of examine and approve of document from paper to internet, and automatism Stat. & analysis human resource data to enhance the work efficiency and veracity, This system has been friendly running by Ideal corporation human resource department.
 The data of the system come from the export of SAP system. As flow of Permission  varies with the change of manage approach, this system implements via XML configure, in which it just need modify the XML configure file to adapt the new file template and the new flow. the system inherits MisCore’s purview control to control page’s visibility in C/S structure, and use data scope manage user’s visible scope. To improve the quality of project CMMI 4’s process baseline is applied to measure the process, such as requirement review, design review, unit test, integration test, system test and so on.
Key words:Human Recourse System,SAP,CMMI


目       录

1 绪论 1
1.1 课题背景及目的 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.3 本文结构 3
2 人力资源系统设计 4
2.1 总体框架 4
2.2 功能模块设计 5
2.3 设计原则 8
3 SAP导入分析与设计 9
3.1 SAP导入功能需求简述 9
3.2 SAP导入分析与设计 9
3.3 SAP导入实现 11
4 审批流程分析与实现 14
4.1 审批流程分析 14
4.2 具体设计 16
4.2.1 数据库设计 16
4.2.2 配置文件设计 17
4.3 实现 18
4.3.1 配置文件读取类实现(FlowReader.cs) 18
4.3.2 提交审批功能的实现 18
4.3.3 招聘审批功能实现 19
5 基于CMMI4的人力资源系统的实现 21
5.1 系统功能描述 21
5.2 系统开发环境概述 22
5.3 系统实现的过程模型 22
5.3.1 同行评审过程 22
5.3.2 量化控制与过程模型 24
5.3.3 变更管理 24
结论 26
致谢 28
参考文献 29

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