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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 16/01/31


论文字数:16179,页数:38  有开题报告,任务书

摘    要

 随着手机上网的不断普及,手机无线业务的不断拓展, 湖南移动WAP总网关有平均高达200G/天的网络数据流量。为了保障WAP网络运行效率,节省人力资源成本,现在需要通过对流经WAP总网关的海量数据包进行过滤分析从而主动侦测。


The filter and decode of WAP Network data package


 With the WAP phone become more popular, and wireless business expand faster, The network data flow of Hunan Mobile WAP gateway reach an average as high as 200G/ days. To protect the operating efficiency of WAP network, and save cost in manpower resources, need detect and analysis the WAP Gateway, filter and dissect the massive data packet which flow through the WAP Gateway right now.
 This paper extract and analyze the data on the basis of ChangZhuTan and other areas of Hunan Province, Study the WAP protocol stack on basis of five-storey structure, on base of the winpcap function library, use tcpdump filter language, distinguish different types of data packets according to the protocol specification, Then unpack the filtered data packets, extract its keyword of time, delay and so on, stored in the database for analysis at last.
 The solution effectively lowers the complexity of the analysis in statistic mass of data real-time, detect problem before the equipment performance starting to decline, and make precautions to protect efficient operation of every region’s WAP network.

Key Words: WAP Network; WAP Specification; Filter; Decode

目    录
1 绪论 1
1.1 课题背景及目的 1
1.2 国内外研究状况 2
1.3 论文构成及研究内容 3
2 WAP网络的流量统计分析 4
2.1 湖南省长株潭地区 4
2.1.1 长株潭地区网关流量数据表 4
2.1.2 长株潭地区网关流量图 5
2.2 湖南省其它地区 7
2.2.1 其它地区网关流量数据表 7
2.2.2 长株潭地区网关流量图 9
2.3 流量统计小结 11
3 WAP网络协议栈的结构分析 12
3.1 WAP协议栈的结构 12
3.2无线应用环境WAE 13
3.2.1 WAE应用要求 13
3.2.2 WAE体系结构概述 14
3.2.3 WAE模型 14
3.2.4 WAE组成 16
3.3无线会话协议WSP 16
3.3.1 WSP体系结构概述 17
3.3.2 WSP协议数据单元结构 18
3.4无线事务协议WTP 21
3.4.1 WTP特征 21
3.4.2 WTP事务级别 22
3.5无线传输安全层WTLS 23
3.6无线数据报协议 24
4 WAP网络数据包的过滤与解包 25
4.1 数据包过滤语言 25
4.2 数据包解析 26
4.3 数据包结构体源码示例 27
结论 30
致谢 32
参考文献 33

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