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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 16/02/12


论文字数:14491,页数:46 有开题报告,任务书 有开题报告,任务书

 摘     要
 关键词 :嵌入式系统;图形用户界面;MiniGUI
  The Phone Application Based on MiniGUI of
 Embedded Linux
 With the maturity and perfection of software and hardware resources, terminal system based on embedded Linux is on great demand. Despite that graphics interface systems suitable for the embedded operating system are short in hand, market need for these specific  system is urgent. MiniGUI is a graphics interface supporting system oriented for embedded or real-time system, providing a flexible and user-friendly graphics interface system. This essay aims to make a research into the exploitation and realization of the programming for MiniGUI    cellphone.
    First, the paper gives a general introduction for MiniGUI structure and procedures of the exploitation for its programmes. Then, the overall exploration of the system is also set forth in light of a special cellphone, from the environment of hardware and software platform to the construction of translating environment, the transformation of MiniGUI functions and the completion of graphics interface system. Finally, a simple mobile phone interface programme is created , which performs the basic functions of telephone directory ,short message, camera and so on.
   In the end a summary for the whole initiative phase and a discussion for further research are given.
Keywords : Embedded systems; graphical user interface; MiniGUI

目     录

1.绪论 1
1.1嵌入式系统与GUI 1
1.2 MiniGUI简介 2
1.3 论文组织结构 2
2. 基于嵌入式的几种典型的图形用户界面 4
2.1 MieroW indo~s/NmmX 4
2.2 Qt/Embedded 4
2.3 MiniGUI 5
2.4 MiniGUI的开发平台 7
2.4.1 MiniGUI的硬件平台 7
2.4.2 MiniGUI的软件环境 8
2.5 MiniGUI的开发 9
2.5.1 MiniGUI的特点 9
2.5.2 图形用户界面的基本元素 10
2.5.3对话框和标准控件 10
2.5.4其他 GUI 元素 10
2.5.5消息和消息循环 11
2.5.6图形抽象层GAL和输入抽象层lAL 12
2.5.7消息和消息循环 13
2.6 本章小结 14
3. MiniGUI程序在pc机上的开发 15
3.1设置MiniGUI运行环境 15
3.2建立 MiniGUI开发环境 15
3.3图形用户界面的开发 15
3.4 MiniGUI的移植过程 21
4. 手机界面应用系统设计与实现 26
4.1 手机界面应用程序的设计说明 26
4.2 手机界面应用程序各控件功能的实现 28
4.4 本章小结 39
5. 结束语 40
致 谢 41
参考文献 42

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