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论文字数:12595,页数:40  有开题报告,任务书

摘   要


The Design and Implementation of
 Enterprise Practice Information Exchange Platform

 Because practice in business enterprise is one of the most important projects in our approach to our school''s education goal, students are dispatched to different business enterprises for about six months to one year to complete it. Our students stay in the companies totally during their business practice. Besides, there are also many companies contact with students directly, although most of them contact with our school. This comes to the situation that there are a large number of companies with only a few student, and they are at different sites in varies distances. It is difficult for teachers to track the practices all the time, and it will decentralize the teachers'' energy. According to these situations, we need a business enterprise practice information system to improve our teaching management level.
  I design this system for our school''s use .In this system, we can register and maintain the companies, students and the teachers both in school and company''s information. We can fill in the reports about business practice and also we can deliver information to everybody through it. These are tasks should be completed by companies, students, teachers in school and teachers company together, so as to make a efficient management and tracking of the business enterprise practice.
     In this paper, I introduce the source of this task, the significance of it and the research situation, the requirement and the architecture of this system, and then give a whole design and development process from development environment, database design, system architecture, process control and modules design. At last I introduce some key technologies used in this system. 
Key Words: Practice In Business; Enterprise,Information Exchange;Platform

目       录
1. 绪论 1
1.1 课题设计的目的及背景 1
1.2课题目前研究情况及存在问题 1
1.3本文结构 1
2.企业实践系统需求 2
2.1需求概述 2
2.2业务流程分析 2
2.3小结 3
3 企业实践系统设计 4
3.1系统结构 4
3.2模块设计 4
3.3数据库设计 5
3.4权限控制 13
3.5小结 13
4 系统开发与实现 15
4.1开发环境与工具 15
4.1.1 部分技术详细说明 15
4.2系统窗体组成 18
4.3小结 22
5 关键技术 23
5.1数据库连接 23
5.2 分页技术 23
5.3 小结 23
小结 25
致谢 26
参考文献 27
附录A 部分技术代码 28

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