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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 16/02/12



摘  要
本文先简要介绍了仿真的基本理论,现状及发展前景,然后说明本毕业设计的研究目的和意义。开关类部件的仿真是为了在虚拟的接口实验平台上,以计算机软件模拟实际环境进行科学实验。本设计中主要研究的是机械类开关,包括单刀单掷开关和单刀双掷开关及键盘开关。详细分析了这些开关的机械物理特性,特别是开关在开、合过程中的瞬态响应特点。利用MFC类库和Visual C++提供的高度可视的应用程序开发工具对开关类部件进行模拟仿真设计:首先由虚拟实验平台统一设计的器件基类,派生出对应的开关器件类,通过重载基类中的一些虚函数,仿真实现开关的相应功能特性,包括对输入输出信号的响应及鼠标响应模拟开关动作,不同的执行动作,会使开关有不同的状态,同时也会改变管脚信息。再将器件类封装成DLL模块,以便在实验时,通过特定的接口调用这些器件功能。根据开关的种类将每个种类写成独立的DLL模块。对于单刀单掷开关和单刀双掷开关,经测试,基本达到设计目标,但对于键盘类开关,由于某些技术上和知识上的不足,在本设计中没有成功设计出相应的DLL模块,有待以后改进。

关键词: 开关的种类;开关的特点;时间响应;仿真实现

Man-machine interface equipment--Switch parts simulation realization
The thesis introduced basic theories, current situation and development prospect of simulation briefly first,then explained research purpose and meaning of this graduation project. Switch emulation is to carry on scientific experiment with simulating the real environment by computer software, at the virtual interface experiment platform. In the thesis, the main research topic is mechanical switch, including SPST (Single Pole Single Throw), SPDT (Single Pole Double Throw) and keyboard switch. It analyzed the mechanical physical characteristics of the switches, especially the transient state in the course of holding, shutting of the switch. Exploiting the developing tools for high degree visualized application provided by MFC and Visual C, it simulated the design of switch. At first, it has to design the basic device class by virtual experiment platform, and derive the relative switch device class. With deriving some virtual functions of basic class, the relative function characteristics of switch can be simulated, including the response of input and output signal, mouse response to emulate different switch activities which produce different switch status, and change the pin information simultaneously. Second, the device class is packed into DLL module for using the functions of the device by particular interface in experiments. According to the type of switch, each switch can be packed as an independent DLL module. For SPST and SPDT switches, through testing, they reach the design object basically. But for the keyboard switch, because of the deficiency on some technology and on knowledge, it has not succeeded in designing corresponding DLL module in this thesis, which needs improving in the future.
Finally, the thesis summarized the research work, pointed out the study deficiency and the improving direction, and explained the harvest in the design.
Key words: Switch type; Switch characteristics; Time responds; Emulation realization

目   录

1 引言 1
1.1 设计背景 1
1.2 计算机仿真 1
1.2.1 计算机仿真的发展 1
1.2.2 计算机仿真的现状 2
1.3 设计目的及意义 3
1.4 预期成果 3
2 设计知识介绍 3
2.2 虚拟实验平台 3
2.2 基类和派生类 3
3 开关类部件的仿真方案设计 4
3.1 开发工具的选择 4
3.2 模块的划分原则 4
3.3 模块的划分 5
3.4 开关的种类及特性 5
3.4.1 开关的种类 5
3.4.2 开关的主要参数 5
3.4.3 瞬态响应特点 6
4 开关类部件的仿真实现 7
4.1 程序主要功能介绍 7
4.2 程序设计结构介绍 7
4.2.1 开关类器件实现功能框图 7
4.2.2 入口函数 8
4.2.3 输出接口函数 8
4.2.4 主要功能函数介绍 9
4.3 单刀单掷开关功能实现 10
4.3.1 工程创建 10
4.3.2 添加基类 11
4.3.3 创建功能函数 12
4.3.4 单刀单掷开关代码实现 12
4.4 单刀双掷开关的功能实现 14
4.5 键盘开关的主要功能 15
4.6 功能测试: 15
结    论 17
参考文献 17
致    谢 18
声    明 19


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