论文字数:12487,页数:30 有开题报告,任务书
摘 要
关键字:人口基础信息数据库;一致性; XML
Studies of Data Consistency on the Basis of
Human Resource Database
Information based on the population distribution in the different types of databases of different government departments. Construction of the information database based on the population''s fundamental mission is to integrate a large number of heterogeneous data, human resource sharing and exchange. This paper solution human resource data format conversion throw coordination of XML. expounded maintaining data consistency of the two methods, Message Queue and Replication Control Act, on the use of Message Queue Server and SQL Minute mechanisms to protect Data Consistency on the Basis of human resource to achieve population based database format of the data consistency purposes. Based on in-depth analysis of the realization of heterogeneous database based on the method of design and realization of a system. The system is mainly achieved through Web Service guarantee of various departments with information database based on the population of a few According to the consistency. At the same time added to the system log mechanism, the network makes a mistake in the circumstances, it can correct the consistency of data protection.
Keywords: Human Resource Database; Consistency ;XML
目 录
1. 概述 1
1.1 选题背景和目的 1
1.2 中国人口基础信息数据库发展现状 1
1.3 研究面临的难点和关键技术 2
1.3.1 研究人口基础信息数据库面临的难点 2
1.3.2 研究人口基础信息数据库使用的相关技术 2
1.4 本文的结构 3
2. 人口基础信息数据库基本知识 4
2.1 人口基础信息数据库的介绍 4
2.2 ORACLE 数据库 5
2.3 ACCESS 数据库 5
3 利用XML实现异种数据库间的数据交换 6
3.1 数据交换的原因 6
3.2 XML、DOM与数据库 6
3.3 基本思想 6
3.4 异构数据库数据转换实现 7
3.4.1 数据抽取 7
3.4.2 数据存储 9
4. 数据一致性的研究 12
4.1 维护数据一致性的方法 12
4.2 消息队列法 12
4.2.1 消息队列法介绍 12
4.2.2 消息队列法的实现 13
4.3 复制控制法 14
4.3.1 复制控制法介绍 14
4.3.2 复制控制法的实现 16
4.4 两种方法的原理分析 17
5. 系统设计 18
5.1 系统设计的软件和硬件环境 18
5.1.1 硬件环境 18
5.1.2 软件环境 18
5.2 系统总体设计 18
5.3 功能划分 19
5.3.1 用户登录模块 19
5.3.2 身份证信息管理模块 19
5.3.3 数据交换模块 20
5.4 小结 21
6. 总结 22
致谢 23
参考文献 24