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 摘 要:随着以计算机和网络通信技术为核心的信息技术在教育领域中的广泛应用,作为教育教学改革“制高点”和“突破口”的现代教育技术在教学改革中起到了积极的推动作用,然而在实际的教学应用中存在着认识模糊、课件质量不高、教师教学基本功水平下降和缺少评价机制等诸多问题。本文主要对课堂教学中应用现代教育技术存在的问题进行了探究分析,在此基础上,提出了解决问题的相应对策,以期能更好地应用现代教育技术来优化课堂教学,提高教学质量,深化教育改革。
Problems and Countermeasures on Applying
Multimedia to classroom

 Abstract:With the use of informational technology whose core is the computer and network communication technology in education field,modern educational technology,which is to be the ‘commanding point’and‘ breach’of the educational revolution played the positive impetus role in the educational reform ,however,it also has many problems in the practical teaching application. This article mainly analyzes the problems that exit in application modern education technology to the classroom instruction. On the basis of it ,the author proposes the countermeasures to solve the questions. In order to apply the modern educational technology well in the classroom instruction to optimize the classroom instruction ,to improve the teaching quality and to deepen education reform.
 Key words: modern educational technology; classroom instruction;problem; multimedia courseware;countermeasure
摘 要 0
Abstract 0
引言 2
1 运用多媒体教学存在的问题 3
1.1 认识上模糊,存在盲目使用多媒体教学的现象 3
1.2 教学过程呈现出机械性 4
1.3 课件功能比较单一 4
1.4 课件设计缺乏科学性 5
1.5 多媒体课件制作的质量参差不齐,网络课件数量少 5
1.6 多媒体教学容量过大 6
1.7 教学的基本功水平下降 6
1.8 缺少对多媒体教学质量的评价制度 6
2 对策和建议 6
2.1 对多媒体教学要有清醒的认识,使用中避免盲目性 6
2.2 要把多媒体教育看做是一个动态过程  7
2.3 加强教师的多媒体教育培训工作 8
2.4 协同发展多媒体教学的理论研究和提高多媒体课件的制作技术 9
2.5 注意制作多媒体网络教学课件 9
2.6 认真细致地设计教学内容 9
2.7 有效融合多媒体教学的理论和实践 10
2.8 加强教学质量的管理,开展多媒体教学质量评价 10
3 结束语 11
参考文献: 11
谢   辞 11

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