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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 16/01/31


论文字数:12379,页数:31  有开题报告,任务书

摘  要

Testing Management System Design and Implementation

   Saying goes, we must first sharpen his tools. Good tool for project personnel can improve the efficiency of the test. for example MI testdirector,it is a web_based application system. The Object whose will use the tool extends to the quality control department, and users and other relevant part. It will allow more users to take part in the test, and is conducive to the project manager of project progress and efficiency of a global understanding. So our company offered the Web services technology-based software testing management system solutions in .net environment.
 In this paper, introduce the system design and implementation process, we will a brief introduction of the test management system development background, meaning, and some technical background, let people have a general impression.
 focus on the overall system framework. Integrated application development platform for system utility module provides some base technology and mature technology framework. So go into the details of the functional and technical framework and the framework of the characteristics (MVC framework, dynamic services, Service-way design interface, and log). Again use advanced, easy-to-use, integrity, scalability, ease of maintenance, and other design principles to guide the system to consider the design.
 We also specially explain the important functions of this system. this system effectively control coverage requirement analysis, testing program management, automated test script development of the operation and testing of the tracking error, and to ensure that the corresponding defect repair or staff produced the corresponding patch.

Key words:Testing management,Integrated platform,.NET,Query algorithm
目  录
1. 绪论 1
1.1 国内外研究现状 1
1.2 论文背景以及意义 2
1.3 系统的一些基本概念 2
1.4 系统功能 3
2. 系统总体设计 4
2.1 总体结构 4
2.2 设计思想 4
2.3 设计难点 5
2.3.1 项目管理分析 5
2.3.2 测试流程分析 6
2.3.3 如何组织测试用例 8
2.3.4 如何确定BUG修改权限 9
2.3.5 预留接口问题 10
2.4 设计关键技术 10
2.4.1 MVC框架 10
2.4.2 综合开发平台 11
2.4.3 面向对象分析方法 14
3. 测试管理系统的重要功能实现 15
3.1 测试需求 15
3.2 测试计划 16
3.3 测试执行 17
3.4 BUG管理 18
3.5 附件上传 18
3.6 静态数据维护 19
4. 主要算法研究 22
4.1 查询算法 22
4.1.1 查询条件 22
4.1.2 两种关键字检索方式 22
4.1.3 实现过程 22
4.2 查询算法的改进 23
4.1.4 字匹配程度的可能性 23
4.1.5 匹配项的确定 23
4.1.6 改进算法的实现 24
4.1.7 值得注意的问题 24
总  结 25
致  谢 26
参考文献 27

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