论文字数:16890,页数:42 有开题报告,任务书,PPT
摘 要
关键词: 门户,目录树,单点登陆,企业信息化,系统孤立
Unified user management system and its application in portal
As the information level of enterprise is higher, the application of enterprise is getting more and more. But these isolated enterprise systems have also led to a lot of problems: difficulties in sharing information, data consistency, security loopholes, Artificial expensive maintenance costs.Unified user management goal is to change the loose, isolated management, create reusable user management system, and gradually bring it into enterprise basic component. Now while many companies have begun to use portal technology to integrate applications, and unified user management system can serve as a gateway to the management background.
First, this paper analyzes the current information construction status and significance of unified user management exists. Next analysis of a unified user management system of demand, modular design and system architecture. Unified user management system to provide a common user-organization - post model and this model of scientific coding preparing for information sharing, interactive system. Meanwhile, unified user management system is used to manager portal platform : Based on LDAP directory tree, manager portal platform management information and user authorization information; support portal’s SSO; Management Integration Platform gateway to the application. This paper focuses on unified user management system for the management of portal directory tree and single-point landing support design. Unified user management system is also an enhanced role in the enterprise systems management, In many applications served by a bridge to solve the problems caused isolation systems.
Key words: Portal, Directory tree, SSO, Enterprise information, System isolation
目 录
1绪论 1
1.1课题背景 1
1.2课题的目标和意义 2
1.3 本文结构 2
2相关技术简介 3
2.1 J2EE体系结构 3
2.2 Spring框架概述 5
2.3 Hibernate框架概述 7
2.4 Struts框架概述 8
2.5 WebService介绍 8
3系统设计 10
3.1系统需求 10
3.2模块设计 10
3.3系统架构 13
4目录树在门户中的设计 15
4.1 LDAP协议 15
4.1.1 LDAP协议机制 15
4.1.2 LDAP模型 15
4.1.3 LDAP数据库 17
4.2门户和目录树的关系 17
4.3目录结构设计 18
4.4目录树持久化设计 21
5 对单点登陆的支持与设计 23
5.1门户的单点登陆 23
5.1.1单点登陆技术 23
5.1.2单点登陆的实现 24
5.1.3统一用户名的提出 25
5.1.4统一用户名生成规则 25
5.2异构系统间的信息同步 26
5.2.1同步方案 26
5.2.2同步状态分析 26
5.2.3同步设计 29
5.2.4不同方式连接的信息同步 30
6系统孤立问题的解决办法 32
6.1统一信息编码 32
6.2统一流程处理 33
6.3用户信息变更处理 33
6.4小结 34
7 结论 35
致 谢 36
参考文献 37