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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 16/01/28



摘 要
 关 键 词:生命周期法;软件开发;可行性研究;模块设计;需求分析;数据流图窗体; 菜单;数据库的安全; 系统调用
 Title: design and realization of the information system for library data management
 This study focuses on the traditional university library loan management design and implementation of digital library to digital format to manage the library''s specific activities include: data management, loan management, query management, systems management, inventory today , exit system and other aspects. The study is in demand from the current social and Management College Library to borrow the practical problems in conducting a detailed feasibility study, including economic feasibility, social feasibility and technical feasibility, are all in detail analysis and design needs. Requirements analysis stage, drawing a data flow diagram and block diagram. Also conducted a database analysis and design, to create the relevant database table, set up relationships between tables, and create a user access system, form interface, system menu design, database security and system calls, system test. Finally the formation of a specific library loan management information system design and development and implementation
 Concrete realization of this thesis and design, use of the software life cycle software development methodology --------- Act.
 The paper has five sections:
 The first part is the preamble, expounded on the major topics of practical significance, theoretical significance and the library management system, development environment features brief
 The second part is the definition of life-cycle stage of the law: a feasibility study and needs analysis
 The third part is the life-cycle approach in system design that is the outline design stage
 The fourth part is the detailed design stage: create a table structure that contains, enter the relevant records, forms, design, menu design and system security design. Part five is the testing phase, test subject from the software system meets the specific requirements of the second part of the five features.
 In summary, this paper "Library Management System and Design" in the design and development, the get a real digital library circulation management of all the specific tasks: data management (reader, books), loan management (library, also books, renewal), query management (reader inquiries, book inquiries, loan extended inquiry, loan ranking), systems management (to set the reader type, book type setting, publishers set), today inventory (library today, today is also the book today warehousing, today renew, expire today), etc.. The practical test and debug can be used to specific books in the management of the school.
Key words: life-cycle method; software development; feasibility study; modular design; needs analysis; data flow diagram form; menu; database security; system call
Paper Type: Software Development
目  录
1 前言 1
1.1 选题意义 1
1.1.1 理论意义 1
1.1.2 实际意义 1
1.2 图书管理系统的功能简述 1
1.3 开发环境的功能简述 1
2 系统的需求分析 3
2.1 可行性研究 3
2.1.1 现有系统存在的问题 3
2.1.2 新系统的功能 3
2.1.3 可行性分析 4
2.1.4 软件开发环境 5
2.2 需求分析及数据流图 5
2.2.1 需求分析 5
2.2.2 数据流图 5
2.2.3 IPO图 8
2.2.4 用户的其他需求 8
3 系统的设计 9
3.1 概要设计(模块设计) 9
3.2 数据库需求与分析 10
3.2.1 数据库需求分析 10
3.3 数据库逻辑结构设计 11
4 系统的实现 15
4.1 创建数据库和表 15
4.1.1 创建数据库 15
4.1.2 创建表 15
4.2 建立表之间的关系 16
4.2.1 建立表之间的关系 16
4.2.2 为表输入部分的相关记录 16
4.3 创建窗体 17
4.3.1 创建系统登录窗体 17
4.3.2 “数据管理”窗体 21
4.3.3 “借阅管理”窗体 29
4.3.4 “查询管理”窗体 36
4.3.5 “系统管理”窗体 43
4.3.6 “今日盘点”窗体 46
4.4 系统菜单设计 51
4.4.1 系统菜单栏,菜单项 51
4.4.2 宏组的创建 52
4.5 数据库安全与系统调用 53
4.5.1 设置数据库密码 53
4.5.2 设置用户与组的账户与权限 53
5 系统的测试 57
5.1 功能测试 57
5.1.1 用户登录窗口测试 57
5.1.2 增加图书资料 57
5.1.3 查询图书资料 57
5.2 系统测试 57
5.3 测试结论 58
致    谢 59
参考文献 61
附    录 63

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