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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 16/01/31




 一个网上基金交易系统必须是一个高稳定,高安全的系统,从而系统后期的测试就尤为重要。而要银行提供测试环境和相应证书会大大的降低系统实施的效率,加大了测试的复杂度,并且很多银行没有测试环境或者客户没有提供测试证书,网上交易无法做全面测试,严重影响项目实施的进度以及项目的质量。 因此,提供一个网银支付网关模拟系统就显得尤为重要。

 As the expansion of industry developing fast, the competition of the domestic open-end fund industry is gradually warming up. In the opinion of Fund Management Company, enhance corporate image from the urgent need to facilitate the investors with perspective to create services to meet the challenges of the future and realize the true sense of the online fund trading system will contribute to the fund management company''s competitiveness.
 An online fund trading system must be a high stability, high-security system, thus the latter part of the testing system is particularly important. However, ask for banks to provide a test environment and the corresponding certificates will greatly reduce the efficiency of the system, increased the complexity of testing and many banks do not provide test environment or customers did not provide test certificate, online trading system can not do comprehensive testing, serious impact on project implementation Progress and the quality of projects.
 Bank payment gateway network simulation system in online fund trading system testing environment as the bank''s role, Implementation of the actual environment of banks to provide all the features, including data encryption, authentication, preservation of data, reconciliation, polling and other functions, and, simply modify some configuration files can make Internet trading system in use.
 Bank payment gateway network simulation system set up, to further promote the project implementation process online transactions efficiency, simplify the complexity of testing, prior to the implementation of projects improving the quality, speed up the progress of the project. Enhance the online trading system stability, security.
Keywords: Fund, Bank Payment Gateway Network, Simulation System


摘要 I
第1章 引言 1
1.1系统概述 1
1.1.1本课题的研究意义 1
1.1.2本论文的目的、内容 1
1.2论文特色 1
第2章 需求分析 3
2.1系统开发背景和目的 3
2.1.1系统开发背景 3
2.1.2系统目的 3
2.2可行性分析 4
第3章 系统设计 5
3.1模块架构图 5
3.2目录结构设计 7
3.2.1目录结构 7
3.2.2主要目录结构关系图 8
3.3 数据库设计 9
3.3.1 E-R图 9
3.3.2表结构 10
3.4性能设计 12
3.5开发和运行环境 13
3.5.1网络语言JAVA 13
3.5.2应用服务器WEBLOGIC 15
3.6.3数据库POSTGRESQL 16
第4章 系统实现 19
4.1数据库操作 19
4.1.1要求 19
4.1.2实现 19
4.2后台管理 19
4.2.1 银行管理 20
4.2.2 渠道管理 21
4.2.3 客户管理 21
4.2.4 商户管理 22
4.3用户管理 22
4.3.1 密码修改 23
4.3.2 查看交易记录 23
4.4日志记录 24
4.5异常处理 25
第5章 业务处理 26
5.1 好易联 26
5.1.1开户和认申购 26
5.1.2签约 27
5.1.3代扣 28
5.1.4下载对账 30
5.1.5银行代号返回 30
5.2 建行 31
5.2.1 分行和返回地址设置 32
5.2.1 分行处理 33
5.3 招行 33
5.3.1 数据传输 34
5.3.2 密钥交换 34
5.3.3 直付通 35
5.3.4 直接对账 36
5.4 银联 37
5.4.1 加解密 37
5.5 农行 38
5.5.1 签约 38
5.5.2 定期定额 39
第6章 系统测试 40
6.1测试的目的和意义 40
6.2测试方法 40
6.3测试内容 41
6.4测试结果 41
6.5系统系能评价 41
第7章 结束语 43
致谢 44
参考文献 45

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