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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 16/01/28




摘  要
 本系统采用B/S模式分析与设计方法。通过对系统业务流程的分析画出业务流程图。在此基础之上画出数据流图,并给出相关信息的数据字典。再细化数据流图来完成对系统主要功能模块的详细设计。同时通过E-R图实现对数据库的分析,并结合SQL Server 2008完成数据库的设计。在Myeclipse开发平台下,使用JSP+JavaBean+Servlet的经典MVC框架来完成对整个系统的开发。


Thesis topic: the residential population information management system design

 With the development of society and the progress of science and technology, the digital network era has come to life. Realization of the population of the community information and data management in computer is a very meaningful work. People in social intercourse and the work will produce many of the need for timely processing and preservation of the relevant information and data, using computer system can realize the effective management. This design is the use of database management technology, the establishment of a certain management and analysis of statistical features of the population of the community information management software.
 The main functions of the system include system login module, the management module, the property staff management module, system maintenance module, report printing. The user is an administrator, the administrator can manage to tenants, complete all system operation; to property in personnel management, but also can manage the administrator account.
 This system adopts B / S mode analysis and design method. Based on the analysis of business process map business processes. On the basis of drawing data flow diagram, and gives the relevant information in the data dictionary. Further data flow diagram to the completion of the main functions of the system modules of the detailed design. At the same time, through the E-R implementation of the database analysis, and combined with the SQL Server 2008database design. In the Myeclipse development platform, the use of JSP+JavaBean+Servlet classic MVC frame to complete the development of the whole system.
Key words: population information management; B / S; MVC

Type of thesis: software development

目    录

摘  要 IV
Abstract V
1  绪  论 1
1.1  课题背景 1
1.2  研究的目的和意义 1
1.3  项目描述 2
2  开发工具与环境简介 3
2.1  J2EE简介 3
2.2  MVC开发模式 4
2.3  开发工具 4
2.3.1  Tomcat简介 4
2.3.2  MyEclipse简介 5
2.4  数据库 5
2.5  系统平台 6
2.5.1  系统模式 6
2.5.2  硬件环境 6
2.5.3  软件环境 6
2.6  环境配置 6
2.6.1  MyEclips8.6 运行环境配置 6
2.6.2  tomcat6.0环境配置 7
3  系统分析 7
3.1  现状调查 7
3.2  可行性分析 7
3.2.1  技术可行性 7
3.2.2  经济可行性 7
3.2.3  操作可行性 8
3.3  需求分析 8
3.4  性能要求 8
3.5  系统业务流程图 9
3.6  系统数据流程图 9
3.7  系统数据字典 14
3.8  系统数据库的分析 16
4  系统设计 19
4.1  系统结构设计 19
4.2  系统规划与设计 19
4.2.1  系统功能概述 20
4.2.2  系统模块设计 20
4.3  数据结构设计 23
5  系统实现 26
5.1  登陆界面的设计与实现 26
5.2  字典维护管理界面的设计与实现 26
5.3  小区管理员管理界面的设计与实现 27
5.4  物业工作人员管理界面的设计与实现 29
5.5  业主基本信息管理界面的设计与实现 30
5.6  业主通讯录信息管理界面的设计与实现 31
5.7  报表资料管理界面的设计与实现 32
6  系统测试 34
6.1  系统测试的目的 34
6.2  系统测试的原则 34
6.3  测试的过程 34
6.3.1  功能测试 35
6.3.2  系统测试 35
6.4  主要功能测试 35
6.4.1  登录系统 35
6.4.2  业主信息管理 36
6.4.3  注销退出 38
7  结束语 40
致    谢 41
参考文献 42
附  录 43
附录1 程序清单 43
附录1.1  通讯录程序清单 43
附录1.2   业主信息程序清单 50
附录1.3  物业人员程序清单 61
附录1.4  管理员程序清单 66
附录1.5  数据字典程序清单 72
附录1.6  数据字典明细程序清单 74
附录1.7  连接数据库程序清单 79
附录1.8  JavaBean程序清单 84

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