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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 16/01/31



 摘  要

关键词:物流  B/S架构 管理系统

 With the increasing development of information technology, logistics management, information technology has become an inevitable trend of logistics and transport systems. Logistics Management is a core part of fleet management and dispatch, and track management on the carriage of goods. For a more detailed understanding of logistics distribution management process of the management business, research staff and end users have had discussions and put forward a solution accepted by both sides.
 Logistics is now based on a set of B / S structure of the logistics management system for the growing demand, while the old, cumbersome, not the old logistics network management system is gradually withdrawn from the market, the new WEB-based logistics management system potential in the inevitable.
 This system mainly for small business users, but also as a simple tool for fleet management, accounting management with enterprise software and the original deployment of software in use.
 Key words:Logistics B / S structure Management System


目  录

摘  要 I
1 序   论 1
1.1 项目背景 1
1.2 课题意义 1
1.3 主要技术 1
1.3.1 ASPNET/ style=text-decoration:underline;font-size:14px;color:#2B4DD5; target=_blank>ASP.NET 1
1.3.2 SQL SERVER 1
1.3.3 ADO.NET 2
1.3.4 MD5加密技术 2
1.3.5 AJAX 3
2 开发环境 4
2.1 ASPNET/ style=text-decoration:underline;font-size:14px;color:#2B4DD5; target=_blank>ASP.NET环境 4
2.2 数据库 4
3 需求分析 5
3.1 用户定义 5
3.1.1 系统管理员(Administrator) 5
3.1.2 操作员(普通管理员) 5
3.2 项目目标 5
3.3 相关术语 5
3.4 用例分析 6
3.4.1 车辆管理用例 7
3.4.2 驾驶员管理用例 9
3.4.3 运力查询用例 11
3.4.4 承运任务管理用例 12
3.4.5 运输成本核算用例 14
3.5 角色权限设计 15
3.5.1 后台管理及审批图例 15
3.5.2 后台管理员权限分析图例 16
3.5.3 系统管理员操作用例分析图 16
3.5.4 用户以及管理员评论用例分析图 17
3.5.5 用户注册用例分析图 17
3.5.6 系统管理员权限分配以及用户管理用例分析图 18
3.5.7 用户评论SDK用例分析图 18
4 系统设计概述 19
4.1 系统功能概述 19
4.2 数据库结构设计 21
4.3 功能模块划分 22
4.3.1 车辆管理模块 22
4.3.2 驾驶员管理模块: 24
4.3.3 运力查询模块: 25
4.3.4 承运任务管理模块: 26
4.3.5 运输成本核算模块: 28
4.3.6 系统管理模块: 30
5 测试计划 34
5.1 测试概要 34
5.2 测试结果 34
5.2.1 登陆测试 34
5.2.2 驾驶员管理模块测试 35
5.2.3 运力查询模块测试 36
5.2.4 承运任务管理模块测试 37
5.2.5 运输成本核算模块测试 37
5.2.6 系统管理模块测试 38
5.3 对软件功能的结论 39
5.4 分析摘要 39
5.4.1 能力 39
5.4.2 缺陷和限制 40
5.4.3 建议 41
5.4.4 评价 41
5.5 测试资源消耗 41
结    论 42
参考文献 43
附    录 44
谢  辞 65

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