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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 16/01/31


论文字数:24286,页数:69  有开题报告,任务书

 本人用Visual C++作为开发工具,设计了一个BMP图像处理软件。本图像处理软件实现对BMP图像的基本操作,如图像的打开,关闭,保存;图像的基本处理,如图像放大、缩小、旋转、转置、二值化处理、中值滤波、边缘检测、直方图、图像的腐蚀与膨胀以及马赛克效果等等。本文先分析国内外图像处理软件的现状,以及发展趋势,进而指出目前研究中存在的问题并指出今后的研究方向,之后从对图像处理的基本原理开始阐述,详细的分析各种功能的实现和算法。

Design and Implementation of BMP Image Processing System

 With the development of science, the simple pictures couldn’t meet people’s demand. The magnification of picture’s usage and the ever delicated image of picture itself, has made people more and more rely on several of picture-processing software. And the popularization of these softwares is going higher and higher, with the progress made by themselves.
 I use Visual C++ development to build software which is used to deal with BMP images. This software can carry out some base operations of BMP images, such as open, close and save; some base processes of BMP images, such as magnify, shrink, rotate, binary process, mid-value filter, edge-detect, cauterization of pictures and the mosaic effect. This paper at first analyzed status of picture-processing software both of domestic an foreign, and the developing trend, then point out the exiting problems in current researches and the direction for the future. After that is the description of basic theory of picture processing, and as well the realization of various kinds of functions and the algorithms in detail  

 KEY WORDS: BMP,picture,picture-processing,Digital Image Processing,Image Processing Software

目   录

1. 绪论 1
1.1论文结构组成 1
1.2研究背景 1
1.2.1计算机图形学的发展简史 1
1.2.2图像处理软件需求与应用 3
1.3现有图像处理软件 4
1.3.1 Photoshop简介 4
1.3.2 Picasa简介 6
1.4数字图像处理领域的发展方向 7
2. 技术背景 8
2.1 BMP文件结构 8
2.1.1 BMP文件组成 8
2.1.2 BMP文件头 8
2.1.3 位图信息头 9
2.1.4 颜色表 9
2.1.5 位图数据 10
2.2 BMP图像的基本操作 11
2.2.1 BMP位图操作 12
2.2.2调色板的操作 19
2.2.3 图像的显示 23
3. 原先软件介绍 26
3.1图像灰度变换 26
3.2 图像的特效显示 27
3.3图像的几何变换 28
3.4图像的平滑处理 28
3.5图像边缘检测 29
3.6图像分割及测量 30
3.7图像的形态学处理 31
4. 新增功能详述 35
4.1 几何变换 35
4.1.1镜像 35
4.1.2 缩放图像 36
4.1.3 图像转置 38
4.1.4 图像旋转 39
4.2 图像的特效显示 45
4.2.1 彩色马赛克 45
4.2.2马赛克效果 47
4.2.3水平栅条 48
4.2.4图像渐显 48
4.3 图像灰度变换 49
4. 3.1 双阈值二值化 50
4.3.2反色变换 50
4.3.3 灰度直方图统计 51
4.3.4灰度分布均衡化处理 53
4.3.5 对比度调整 55
4.3.6 亮度调整 57
4.3.7 窗口灰度变换 58
4.4 图像的平滑处理 59
4.4.1 3*3均值滤波 59
4.4.2 随机噪声 59
4.5图像边缘检测 60
4.5.1 Roberts边缘检测算子 61
4.5.2 Sobel边缘检测算子 62
4.6 图像分割及测量 64
4.6.1 轮廓提取 65
结论 67
感谢 68
参考文献 69

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