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论文字数:22773,页数:36  有开题报告,任务书

摘   要

The research about "one-stop" work style network administrative  examination and approval system
Along with the information technology, Internet development, the electronic government affairs already became the various countries government reform and the development way that must be taken. The electronic government affairs are to realize official organization structure and the work flow optimization and reorganization, Using modern information technology methods such as computer, network and correspondence. In September, 2000, American government launched "the first government" website (, which symbolizes the birth of the world-class central authorities electron government affairs service platform. In the big background of our country  joined WTO, the country has been carrying on the positive transformation  from the traditional significance in government to the electronic government through the electronic government affairs project. But in the electronic government affairs construction process, In particular, the exploration and the research of the administrative examination and approval system as electronic government affairs important constituent, still has many problems. For instance, it is insufficient to the government service research, lacks the systematic ponder; lacks the correlation theories and model abstract; lacks of systematic consideration of the business in application deployment patterns. Based on the above question certain aspects, mainly has made the analysis to the "one-stop" work style administration examination and approval system. This article makes concrete analysis from administrative examination and approval aspects and so on system organizational structure, service and workflow, characteristic analyzes, and chief studies the government affairs flow restoration, finally has carried on the case analysis by the Guangzhou city huadu area investment plan long-distance examination and approval management information system. In this analysis foundation, union modern software engineering technology. It puts forward some examine and approve the system standpoint of process management and reorganization concerning the administration of the our country.

Key Words: E-government affairs, Administrative examination and approval, one-stop, Government affairs workflow, Workflow restoration
目  录
1.引言 1
1.1背景 1
1.1.1国外发展现状 1
1.1.2我国的发展现状 4
1.2问题的提出 4
2.一站式行政审批系统 6
2.1行政审批系统的组织结构 6
2.2行政审批的业务分析 6
2.2.1行政审批项目的传统办理流程 6
2.2.2行政审批业务分类 7
2.2.3网上行政审批业务 8
2.3行政审批系统的特征 9
2.4一站式服务分析 9
3.政务流程分析 11
3.1政务流程的组成要素 11
3.2政务流程的特点 12
3.3政务流程管理 12
3.3.1政务流程的分类 13
3.3.2电子政务工作流管理系统的基本结构 14
4.行政审批业务流程再造 15
4.1传统流程的不足 15
4.2流程再造理论 16
4.3业务流程再造的类型 17
4.4政务流程再造的原则 18
5.行政审批案例分析 20
5.1案例背景 20
5.2项目目标 20
5.3系统结构 21
5.4系统功能 21
5.5应用状况 23
6.行政审批系统设计与实现   24
 6.1 OSWorkflow工作流引擎简介   24
 6.2 OSWorkflow核心概念  24
 6.3 行政审批系统功能介绍  25
总结 28
致谢 30
参考文献 31

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