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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 16/02/12



摘    要


Implementation of a Kind of Simple Computer Virus
The computer virus is a self-copy computer program or a set of instruction that disturbs the computer’s normal operation. It can cause the computer software and hardware breakdown, and destroy the computer data. With the widespread application of computer in the social life of each area, the technology of computer virus assault and anti-virus is continuously developing, the technology of anti-virus attract more and more attention. Based on the script virus’s theory and script virus’s essential technology, a simple script virus is implemented and the script virus’s mechanism and principle is analyzed. We outlined computer virus''s history, tendency, some simply basic knowledge of VBScript, Windows Script Host and registry which the implementation of script virus requires. Then we focus on the principle of script virus and the main technology of each module, take the source code for instance, analyze the thought of the design, the function of infection module, deleting module and marking module. At last we introduce the infection mechanism and the disk searching mechanism which the recursion algorithm carries on.

Key words: Computer virus; registry; Windows Script Host; Recursion algorithm

目  录

1引  言 1
2 病毒的发展史 1
2.1计算机病毒的发展历史 1
2.2计算机病毒的当前状况 1
2.3计算机病毒的发展趋势 2
3相关工具简要介绍 3
3.1 WSH(Windows Script Host)介绍 3
3.2 VBScript语言简介 5
3.3注册表基本知识 6
4 VBScript脚本病毒特点及原理分析 7
4.1 VBScript脚本病毒的特点 7
4.2 VBScript脚本病毒原理分析 8
4.2.1感染破坏文件部分 8
4.2.2修改注册表 8
4.2.3设置感染标记 8
5 脚本病毒的实现 8
5.1 脚本病毒必要知识 8
5.1.1获取文本文件对象 9
5.1.2对文件的操作 10
5.2 功能流程图 11
5.3 设计思路 11
5.4 功能模块实现 11
5.4.1主函数模块 11
5.4.2感染文件模块 14
5.4.3搜索文件模块 15
5.4.4破坏模块 16
5.4.5注册表操作模块 17
5.4.6感染标记模块 19
结    论 20
参考文献 21
致    谢 22
声    明 23

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