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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 16/02/12





关键词: OA、ADO技术、B/S体系模式


 As the information technology and the rapid development of increasingly fierce business competition, enterprises are no longer satisfied with independence, Scattered office automation applications, enterprises need is to work together, integrated and integrated solutions. Internet address is the physical distance impeded exchange of information, consultation inconvenience office communication bottlenecks in the best way.
 OA online enterprises of the office automation elements of the closed-loop integration, the realization of the work flow, information flow, Knowledge Flow and office automation systems integration management, providing a scientific, open, advanced information technology office platform achieve office automation, and remote office or home office. Enterprise Office Automation will be online from the cumbersome and disorganized, low-order, low-end work for the liberation of core business improve overall efficiency of the unit and the control of information, lower office costs and improve implementation, manage almost perfect.
Keyword: OA、ADO technical、B/S Architecture Mode

目    录
摘要 I
第1章 系统分析 1
1.1 引言 1
1.2  需求分析 1
1.3  可行性分析 2
1.4  国内外研究现状及发展趋势 2
1.5  本课题研究目标与内容 2
第2章 系统设计基本原理与方法 4
2.1 ASP(Active Server Pages)技术介绍 4
2.1.1 ASP概述 4
2.1.2 ASP工作原理 4
2.1.3 ASP编程特点及其优势 4
2.2 SQL语句介绍 6
2.3 VBScript介绍 6
2.4 B/S体系结构 7
2.4.1 B/S架构: 7
2.4.2 C/S架构: 7
2.4.3 B/S架构较之于C/S架构的优势 7
第3章  总体设计 9
3.1  项目规划 9
3.2  系统功能结构图 9
第4章  系统设计 10
4.1  设计目标 10
4.2  开发及运行环境 10
第5章  网站总体架构及各功能模块的实现 21
5.1  模块功能介绍 21
5.2  网站首页的运行结果 21
5.3  系统登录模块设计 22
5.4  日常管理模块设计 25
5.4.1  收文管理模块设计 25
5.4.2  发文管理模块设计 27
5.4.3  批示管理模块设计 30
5.4.4  会议管理模块设计 32
5.4.5  个人办公管理模块设计 36
第6章 结束语 50
致   谢 51
参考文献 52

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