2.2.1 写作前奏曲——范文的理解与分析
假定:要求给某杂志社写封信,谈谈你对金钱的看法,有两种不同的观点:①金钱是幸福之本(Source of happiness),比如,可以买东西,治病等 ②金钱是万恶之源(Root of evil) ③你的看法。范文如下:
Dear editor,
Money becomes very important in our life. Some people even think it is the source of happiness. They have the following reasons for this idea. First, they think that they can buy material things with money. Second, they believe that they can live longer if they have money to cure some of their diseases. Third, they may also travel a lot if they have money.
However, others don?蒺t think so. They also have evidences to believe that money is the root of evil. First, some officials commit crime for the sake of money. Second, what makes them hold this belief is that they witness some rich men live a frightened life in case they are kidnapped.
It seems that both of the two opinions are right. But I think we should take a dialectic point of view. Money can bring us happiness, but it is not the source of happiness. Similarly, although it can cause bad things, it is not the root of evil. What is important is that we should be the master of money, not its slave.
首先,笔者引导学生一起分析范文的体裁,确定其图式结构。从文章的三个段落可以看出这是一篇以对比为主的议论文体裁(注: 议论文体裁有很多种,如对比、驳斥等),篇章结构为引论—本论—结论。作者先提出主题句“Money becomes very important in our life.”,也就是论点;接下来,是文章的主体论证部分。通过对比句式“Some people…, others…”对论点展开论述。其中,在本论中,有几个论据来充实各自的分论点,“first…second…third…”。最后,作者发表自己的看法,结尾句也就是结论引人深思。因此,我们一般就能提取出整体框架:引论(主题句)—分论点1(陈述理由)+分论点2(陈述理由)——结论。当然,教师可用彩色笔勾画出明显的对比框架。
其次,引导学生分析范文的交际目的和语言特色。议论文一般是以摆事实、讲道理为主,阐明作者的观点与主张。要让学生知道,议论文写作喜欢用事实说话,而不是将个人的想法强加给读者,它的交际目的就是让读者自然地得到某种结论,引发读者的深思。从范文可以看出,不能过多地使用主观性的语言,不能出现诸如I don?蒺t like the first opinion.或The people for the first opinion are foolish.等带有感情色彩的语句;另外,议论文也要减少口语化的词语与结构,减少I think等表示个人行为语言出现的频率。议论文体裁决定了它所选择的语言是平实的,而非华丽的词藻。比如,Some people…others…,使用第三人称更具有说服力。作者的结尾部分也没有表现出对这两种截然不同观点的喜爱或憎恶,只是在评论的基础上表达了自己的观点“What is important is that we should be the master of money, not its slave.”。最后,还要引导学生注意文章的衔接。衔接词的使用,能使整个语篇显得完整与连贯。比如,文章中表示转折关系的However,表示对比关系的Similarly等。其实,教师平时应有意识地培养学生对不同功能的衔接词进行分类与归纳的能力,以备写作之用。这样,学生就能信手拈来,增强文采,增强语篇的衔接与连贯。