asrc=#theXMLisland DataFLD=HomePage size="76"><BR>
电子邮件:<input type=text datasrc=#theXMLisland DataFLD=E-Mail size="76"><BR>
电话:<input type=text datasrc=#theXMLisland DataFLD=TelePhone size="76"><BR>
级别:<input type=text datasrc=#theXMLisland DataFLD=Grade size="76"><HR>
<input id="first" TYPE=button value="<< 第一条记录" onclick="theXMLisland.recordset.moveFirst()">
<input id="prev" TYPE=button value="<上一条记录" onclick="theXMLisland.recordset.movePrevious()">
<input id="next" TYPE=button value="下一条记录>" onclick="theXMLisland.recordset.moveNext()">
<input id="last" TYPE=button value="最后一条记录>>" onclick="theXMLisland.recordset.moveLast()">
<input id="Add" TYPE=button value="添加新记录" onclick="theXMLisland.recordset.addNew()">
<XML ID="theXMLisland">
</HTML> //xml数据岛中添加记录
The following list is a sample of the properties and methods that you use to access nodes in an XML
Property/ Method Description
XMLDocument Returns a reference to the XML Document Object Model (DOM) exposed by the object.
documentElement Returns the document root of the XML document.
childNodes Returns a node list containing the children of a node (if any).
item Accesses individual nodes within the list through an index. Index values are zero-based, so
item(0) returns the first child node.
text Returns the text content of the node.
The following code shows an HTML page containing an XML data island. The data island is contained within
the <XML> element.
<TITLE>HTML with XML Data Island</TITLE>
<P>Within this document is an XML data island.</P>
<XML ID="resortXML">
<resort code='1'>Adventure Works</resort>
<resort>Alpine Ski House</resort>