- create table test(id int,name varchar(20),quarter int,profile int)
- insert into test values(1,'a',1,1000)
- insert into test values(1,'a',2,2000)
- insert into test values(1,'a',3,4000)
- insert into test values(1,'a',4,5000)
- insert into test values(2,'b',1,3000)
- insert into test values(2,'b',2,3500)
- insert into test values(2,'b',3,4200)
- insert into test values(2,'b',4,5500)
- select * from test
- --行转列
- select id,name,
- [1] as "一季度",
- [2] as "二季度",
- [3] as "三季度",
- [4] as "四季度",
- [5] as "5"
- from
- test
- pivot
- (
- sum(profile)
- for quarter in
- ([1],[2],[3],[4],[5])
- )
- as pvt
- create table test2(id int,name varchar(20), Q1 int, Q2 int, Q3 int, Q4 int)
- insert into test2 values(1,'a',1000,2000,4000,5000)
- insert into test2 values(2,'b',3000,3500,4200,5500)
- select * from test2
- --列转行
- select id,name,quarter,profile
- from
- test2
- unpivot
- (
- profile
- for quarter in
- ([Q1],[Q2],[Q3],[Q4])
- )
- as unpvt
sql替换字符串 substring replace
- --例子1:
- update tbPersonalInfo set TrueName = replace(TrueName,substring(TrueName,2,4),'**') where ID = 1
- --例子2:
- update tbPersonalInfo set Mobile = replace(Mobile,substring(Mobile,4,11),'********') where ID = 1
- --例子3:
- update tbPersonalInfo set Email = replace(Email,'chinamobile','******') where ID = 1
SQL查询一个表内相同纪录 having
- select * from 表 where ID in (
- select ID from 表 group by ID having sum(1)>1))
- select * from 表 where ID1+ID2+ID3 in
- (select ID1+ID2+ID3 from 表 group by ID1,ID2,ID3 having sum(1)>1))
- --方法1:
- (SELECT 1 FROM zy_bho WHERE [PK] <> a.[PK] AND ZYH = a.ZYH)
- --方法2:
- select a.* from zy_bho a join zy_bho b
- on (a.[pk]<>b.[pk] and a.zyh=b.zyh)
- --方法3:
- select * from zy_bbo where zyh in
- (select zyh from zy_bbo group by zyh having count(zyh)>1)
- --其中pk是主键或是 unique的字段。