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1  概述
1.1 特性:
    独特的单线接口,只需1个接口引脚即可通信
    多点能力使分布式温度检测应用得以简化
    不需要外部元件
    可用数据线供电,工作电压范围:3.0V~5.5V
    不需备份电源
    测量范围从-55℃至+125℃增量值为0.5℃等效的华氏温度范围是-67°F至257 °F增量值为0.9 °F
    以9位到12位的数值读出温度
    选用12位测量精度时,最大的转换时间为750ms
    用户可定义的,非易失性的温度告警设置
    告警搜索命令识别和寻址温度在编定的极限之外的器件(温度告警情况)
    应用范围包括恒温控制、工业系统、消费类产品、温度计或任何热敏系统

1 Introduction
    Unique 1-Wire TM interface requires only one port pin for communication
    Multidrop capability simplifies distributed temperature sensing applications
    Requires no external components
    Can be powered from data line. Power supply range is 3.0V to 5.5V 
    Zero standby power required
    Measures temperatures from -55°C to +125°C. Fahrenheit equivalent is -67°F to +257°F
    Thermometer resolution is programmable from 9 to 12 bits 
    Converts 12-bit temperature to digital word in 750 ms (max.) 
    User-definable, nonvolatile temperature alarm settings 
    Alarm search command identifies and addresses devices whose temperature is outside of programmed limits (temperature alarm condition) 


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