1.1 IPv6设计目标
IPv6的地址空间如此之大,足够满足全球可路由地址快速增长的需求和网络更多的层次结构。地址空间增长到128比特。分层结构己设计在全球可路由地址格式内部。(毕业设计 )
Design Goals of IPv6
The Internet has been a huge success, driving the success of corporate internetworks. Few businesses are without Web sites these days (URLs can even be found on the corks of wine bottles), and e-mail is as important a business tool as the telephone. But certain aspects of IPv4 place an upper limit on how large the Internet can grow. 32 bits of address space limits the number of globally routable hosts that can connect and also limits the amount of hierarchy that can be created. As you have observed throughout much of this book, scalable internetworks require hierarchical routing. Hierarchical routing must be strictly maintained to enable the network to scale beyond the uses that application developers and Internet users are dreaming of today. To maintain hierarchy, Internet-connected sites must adhere to addressing and aggregation rules. Sites connected to an ISP or exchange usually must use addresses allocated to that ISP or exchange and reallocated to the site. This means that renumbering, with all the inherent difficulties described early in Chapter 2, "Introduction to Border Gateway Protocol 4," will remain an issue.
The success of the Internet also may increase data integrity, authenticity, and confidentiality requirements.
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