JPEG作为静态图像压缩标准,在数字图像领域中得到了广泛而成功的应用。但是,随着人们对图像压缩性能、处理灵活性、功能性等方面有进一步要求后,传统的JPEG压缩技术已无法满足人们的要求。因此,联合图片专家组(Joint Photo graphic Experts Group)于2000年开发出了更高压缩率以及更多新功能的新一代静态图像压缩标准JPEG2000。它把JPEG的4种模式(顺序模式,渐进模式,无损模式和分层模式)集成在JPEG2000之中。推动JPEG2000发展的关键并不是比JPEG有更高的压缩比,而是JPEG2000标准提供了一套新的编码系统,提供了一种全新的图像再现形式。
JPEG compression standard as a static image, the digital image from Domain has been widely and successfully used. However, as people Image compression performance, handling flexibility, functionality, and so there are further Step request, the traditional JPEG compression technology has been unable to meet the people Requirements. Therefore, the Joint Group of Experts picture (Joint Photographic Experts Group) in 2000 developed a higher compression ratio and more new features of the new generation of static image compression standard JPEG2000.