LED 大屏幕显示器
LED 大屏幕显示器由于其醒目、内容灵活多变等特点,已经越来越多地应用于广告、信息发布、交通指示等公共场所,取得了良好效果。LED显示屏主要分为数码显示和点阵显示两大数,本文只讨论点阵显示。目前的LED显示屏基本上都是先由用户提出要求,生产厂这根据需要订做,每次都要重复设计电路和机械结构,造成资源浪费,而且若用户的需求改变,改动将十分困难。
LED large screen display
LED large screen display because of its eye-catching, content and other characteristics of flexible, has been applied to more and more advertising, information dissemination, traffic instructions, and other public places, and achieved good results. LED display digital display and can be ided into two major dot-matrix display the number of dot-matrix display discussion paper only. The current LED display are basically first requested by users, manufacturers need to build in accordance with this, to repeat each circuit design and mechanical structure, resulting in waste of resources, and if the user needs to change, the changes will be very difficult.