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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 16/03/01


论文编号:XZ581  论文字数:22217,附任务书,开题报告,外文翻译



 This paper analyzes e-government to improve the performance of our role in promoting administrative organization for the purpose , to the impact of e -government on the basis of administrative organization , from the analysis of the performance impact of the administrative organization of the elements to start, focuses on the e-government to improve our administrative organization tremendous impetus generated by the performance as well as some suggestions for this process problems raised.
 Government reform in any country is hoped to become an efficient and capable government , the ultimate goal of development is also the administrative organization to become an effective organization capable of , so concerned about improving organizational effectiveness , change is particularly important for the development of the administrative organization. The rise of e-government , to improve the effectiveness of administrative organization provides a powerful tool and means in promoting e-government development, while improving the effectiveness of the administrative organization is a mutual development , mutual promotion process , is an effective means of achieving the ultimate goal of an effective , give full play to the advantages of e-government to advance , " performance -oriented government " construction " service-oriented government" in China.
Keywords: e-government,administrative organization,administrative organizational effectiveness

 摘  要 I
 Abstract II
 1 电子政务和行政组织效能概述 1
 1.1 电子政务 1
 1.2行政组织 2
 1.3行政组织效能 4
 2 电子政务对行政组织的影响 6
 2.1 行政组织价值观念的新发展 6
 2.2行政组织环境的变化 7
 2.3行政职能的转变 8
 2.4 行政组织结构的改变 10
 2.5行政流程的重构 11
 3 影响行政组织效能的要素分析 13
 3.1 间接要素 13
 3.2 直接要素 15
 4 电子政务对提高我国行政组织效能的推动作用 18
 4.1确立服务型政府的目标 18
 4.2 优化行政组织结构 19
 4.3 形成高效率低成本的政务运行体系 21
 4.4 提高公务员综合能力素质 21
 5 电子政务建设中的建议 23
 5.1 解决“数字鸿沟"问题 23
 5.2 信息集成和一体化 23
 5.3 克服“信息孤岛”现象 24
 5.4 结论 25
 参考文献 26
 致谢 27

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