ABS是一项在80年代末才兴起应用的新技术,现在已经成为一般轿车的必装件了。 据统计,汽车突然遇到情况发刹车时,百分之九十以上的驾驶者往往会一脚将刹车踏板踩到底来个急刹车,这时候的车子十分容易产生滑移并发生侧滑,即人们俗称的“甩尾”,这是一种非常容易造成车祸的现象。造成汽车侧滑的原因很多,例如行驶速度,地面状况,轮胎结构等都会造成侧滑,但最根本的原因是汽车在紧急制动时车轮轮胎与地面的滚动摩擦会突然变为滑动摩擦,轮胎的抓地力几乎丧失,此时此刻驾驶者尽管扭动方向盘也会无济于事。
Guards against holds dead braking system (ABS)
ABS development histories and introduces
ABS is an item only then starts the application in the end of the 80''s the new technology, now already became the common passenger vehicle to have the support. Statistics have indicated, the automobile meets suddenly when the situation sends the braking, 90% above drivers often meet a foot the brake pedal to step on come slam on the brakes, this time vehicle to be extremely easy to produce slip and have the side-slipping, namely the people are named “fling the tail”, this will be one kind extremely easy to create the traffic accident the phenomenon.