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煤矿监控系统设计方案 Mine Monitoring System Design

来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 11/05/08

随着经济的发展煤炭是国家的基础工业, 尤其现在能源紧张的形式下, 煤炭行业更是得到了人们的关注。同时由于煤矿井下环境复杂, 也给生产带来了巨大的困难, 事故频频发生, 给工人造成了身体的伤害同时也给煤炭行业造成了不好的影响。于是, 煤矿监控开始出现并逐渐得到普及和发展。
据不完全统计, 2003年中国煤炭产量占世界产量的35%,可事故伤亡人数却占80%。在这些事故中, 瓦斯爆炸又占绝大多数。这其中固然有很多因素, 但各煤矿生产企业安全监测不完备、管理手段落后也是造成事故频发的重要原因之一。在国内频繁发生的煤矿事故中, 既有自然因素也有人为因素。国内各有关方面为了提高产量、降低事故发生的概率,现代化的信息管理模式也就应运而生了,为了对井下情况有全面的了解, 监控系统为煤矿监控提供了良好的技术保障。

Mine Monitoring System Design
Along with the economic development of the coal is the country''s basic industries, especially now in the form of nervous energy, the coal industry is get people''s attention. At the same time as coal mine complex environment, but also to production have brought tremendous difficulties, accidents occur frequently, causing workers to the body hurt but also to the coal industry caused bad influence. Therefore, the coal mine monitoring and gradually began to spread and development.
Monitoring of a coal mine:According to incomplete statistics, China''s coal output in 2003 accounted for 35 percent of world production, accidents accounted for 80 percent of the number of casualties. In these incidents, and the majority of the gas explosion. Among these are a number of factors, but the coal mine production safety monitoring companies do not complete and management tools behind the frequent accidents is also one of the important reasons.


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