There’s more than one way to weave a Web page. And as any Web designer knows all too well, there’s no shortage of ideas about which is the right way. Evolving standards, variations in browser behavior, and the urgings of design gurus seem to pull at Web designers from every direction. Taken together, they can sound like a dozen strident voices each shouting in maddening contradiction, sometimes orced from reality, always adding anxiety to meeting a deliverable deadline.
Navigating the road where standards andpractice erge is as much part of the modern Web designer’s job description as masteringthe nuts and bolts of HTML, CSS,and JAVAscript. In some cases, developingthe kind of feature-rich Web sites that usersnow expect can put designers ahead of standards bodies. The result can be tension between techniques developed “in the field”and their future compatibility when standards bodies finally catch up. In other circumstances,well-intentioned design guidelines preached by experts may conflict with actual browser support, potentially adding time and cost to design projects.Then there are simply differences in philosophy,sometimes passionately expressed,which can ide Web designers and leave some wondering what to do and whom to believe. Web designers of the ’90s struggled with incompatibilities among basic nuts and bolts. While the Web has evolved and matured, and many of those old technical problems have been resolved, a new and richer set of dilemmas has emerged.
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