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网页设计制作规范 Web design standards

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Web design standards
1. Website in the root directory created images common temp three subdirectories, according to media need to create a subdirectory, put different images in the directory pages to use columns of the public picture, such as the company''s logo, banner, menu, buttons, etc.; common subdirectory in the release css, js, PHP, and other public documents include; temp subdirectory release provided by the text, picture, and so on the original information in the media release flash subdirectory, avi, quick time multimedia documents.
2. In the root directory should, in principle, in accordance with the Home column structure, and a column to each create a directory, according to the need of each of the columns in the creation of a directory of media images and subdirectories to put this column proprietary picture and multimedia files, if the content of this column in particular, and to tell a lot of the lower sections, corresponding to the re-creation of other directory.
3. Temp files in the directory more often, the proposed name for the creation of a directory of the time, customers will have to provide the information sorted.
4. Unless there are exceptional circumstances, directory, file with the names of all the lowercase letters, numbers, underscores the portfolio, which shall not contain Chinese characters, spaces and special characters; directory name if possible in English as a guide, not as a last resort Do not use Pinyin as a directory name, experience has shown that directory with the name of Pinyin often even a month after themselves fail to understand it,

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