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  Dreamweaver 3. 0是Macromedia公司推出的网页编写工具Dreamweaver的最新版本。它的特点是所见即所得,这对于刚人门的新手来说无疑是福音了。它还带有网站管理功能,可以方便地设计和管理多个网站。图1所示就是Dreamweaver 3. 0启动时的界面。

1. Dreamweaver简介

Dreamweaver 3. 0比起它的前任Dreamweaver 2. 0在操作界面上更加友好和实用,功能也得到了进一步的完善。读者会发现,创作网页原来这么轻松。不用书写一页代码,就能快速创建动态HTML网页,例如动画和分层等;利用Dreamweaver的目标浏览器,可以创建适用于各种平台和浏览器的兼容性极好的网页;还可以利用Dreamweaver中的Roundtrip HTML技术精确控制Dreamweaver生成的网页源代码。更可贵的是,Dreamweave:为您提供了个性化的空间。您可以创建自己的对象和命令,修改菜单和


2. Dreamweaver功能概述





The Best Choice for Web Design-Dreamweaver

David Arenburg Computer Science & Technology. Academic Press, 2001

Dreamweaver 3.0 is the newest version of Dreamweaver-a tool for compiling web pages, introduced by Macromedia Company. Its feature is "what you see is what you get"-this is really a blessing for novice. Also, it has functions for web site management, facilitating design and management of multiple web sites. Fig. 1 is the interface when Dreamweaver 3. 0 is activated.

1. A Brief Introduction of Dreamweaver

Compared with its predecessor Dreamweaver 2.0, Dreamweaver3. 0 is more friendly and practical for use in its operating interface, and its function has been further improved. Readers will see it is so easy to create web pages, without writing any page of code to rapidly create dynamic HTML web pages, for example, cartoon and layers; and by using its object browser, it is also possible to create web pages applicable to various platforms and browsers with very good compatibility; and it is also possible to make use of Roundtrip HTML technology provided by Dreamweaver to control the source code generated by Dreamweaver with high precision.

More significantly, Dreamweaver provides you with inidualized space. Your can create your own object and command, revise menu and quick keys, or even create you own JAVAScript to expand Dreamweaver. It is not exaggerated at all that Dreamweaver brings in unlimited space for you to create your web pages.

2. A General Description of Dreamweaver Functions

(1) Creation and use of file


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