作者: Budi Kurniawan
在建立这个应用之前你必须很好的理解MVC设计模式在JAVA Web应用程序中的作用及工作方式。
首先,你需要了解一些Struts结构的基础,即基于MVC模型的Model2设计模型。因为Model2模型在建立应用程序中有很好的灵活性,可扩展性以及可维护性,使得它成为应用程序开发者最理想的结构框架。由于Model2是被推荐的最简单的应有程序框架,所以,你想利用Struts框架快速容易的建立起这个Web应用程序,就必须要先了解Model2模型。来自Apache软件基金会的Apache''s Jakarta Struts只是一个Web应用框架,我将通过这个例子帮助你理解并学会使用Struts框架。
Your First Struts Application
Here''s a tutorial to help you start building serious Web apps.
by Budi Kurniawan
The old adage, "Work smarter, not harder," is sometimes a lot easier to say than to practice. But once you master Struts-a framework for building serious Web applications-you can develop applications much more rapidly than you do now. Unfortunately, most programmers find the required learning curve steep. This article, the first of a six-part series, provides a quick start for those who''ve been working with servlets or JSP pages but are new to Struts.
I''ll teach you how to install and configure Struts, and present the specification and deployment descriptor of a small application built within the framework. I''ll discuss the application in more detail in the second part of this series.
An important note before you start: Building this application requires a good understanding of the Model-View-Controller (MVC) paradigm in a Java Web application. If this is a new concept to you, please read "Almost All JAVA Web Apps Need Model 2."
First, though, you need to understand a few basics about Struts. It uses the Model 2 architecture, which is based on the MVC design pattern. Model 2 applications are ideal for serious developers because they create programs that are flexible, extensible, and easy to maintain. Model 2 is the recommended architecture even for simple applications, so it''s crucial to have
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