二十年代后期,Volvo轿车在经历艰苦的创业岁月后,一度几乎成为一家美国公司,这一切仅有为数不多的人知道。 当时,具有传奇色彩的美国汽车制造商查尔斯•纳斯就乘船来到瑞典,想要签订收购Volvo轿车的协议。只是由于阿瑟•格不里森本人和SKF轴承公司的联合努力,才在不受欢迎的美国客人抵达哥德堡港口之前的几个小时内,最终设法保持了这家公司的瑞典国籍。同年九月,Volvo轿车公司开始首次盈利,公司从此逐渐走向发展与壮大。
在三十年代,Volvo轿车的设计灵感主要来自美国。曾经在底特律的美国汽车公司合作过,并训练有素的瑞典工程技术人员返回到祖国瑞典,最终加盟了Volvo,他们为Volvo注入了美式车的技术只是和设计理念。 PV36型轿车于1935年推出,这款动人的“Carioca”(卡瑞奥卡)轿车,具有新颖而大胆的圆润外形以及单独的车轮悬挂等创新技术,Volvo历史上的经典车型之一 。 在四十年代,PV800轿车多作为出租车在大街上川流不息。该车体积庞大而舒适,经常被用来将孕妇送往医院。时至今日,我们在瑞典能见到一些当年诞生在Volvo轿车中的人。
Volvo''s history of development
The late 1920s, Volvo cars in the venture going through a difficult time after time become almost an American company, all this only a few people know. At that time, the legendary American car manufacturers Charles Patrons on the boat to Sweden, the Volvo Car to the signing of the acquisition agreement. Nick Collision not only because Arthur and I SKF Bearing Company of joint efforts, in the unwelcome guests arrived in the United States before the Gothenburg port within a few hours, and ultimately to maintain the company''s Swedish nationality. In September, the company began the first Volvo Car profits, the company gradually from development and strengthening.
Designed by the United States once the impact of (毕业设计 )
In the 1930s, Volvo Car design inspiration mainly from the United States. Detroit had in the United States auto companies have, the Swedish engineering and well-trained technical staff to return to the motherland Sweden, and ultimately joined the Volvo, and they have injected American Volvo car technology and design concept only. PV36 cars introduced in 1935, this moving, "Carioca" (Carioca) sedan, a new and bold rounded shape of the wheel flying as a separate, such as innovative technologies, the history of the Volvo one of the classic models. In the 1940s, the PV800 cars as taxis in the streets endless stream. Car size and comfort, often to be used for pregnant women to the hospital. Today, we can see some in Sweden, was born in Volvo cars in person.
The ideal family sedan and the car - PV444
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