近几年据海关统计结果显示我国粮食进出同比均呈下降趋势。我国粮食供求开始进入紧平衡阶段在粮食供给能力逐渐弱化的情况下,我们必须注意到贮存粮食的科学性和有效性 贮粮。仓库的现代管理也是当前粮食系统改造的重大项目之一 ,而在粮仓管理过程当中最重要的是控制仓内的温度和湿度 ,温湿度会直接影响粮食的贮存质量 。
Application of Intelligent Sensor SHT11 in Portable Warm2Humidity Detector
In recent years, according to Customs statistics showed that out of our food showed a decreasing trend over the previous year. Entered the tight grain supply and demand balance in the food supply capacity stage weaken the case, we must note that the storage of food science and effectiveness of stored grain. Warehouse management is the modern transformation of the current food system one of the major projects, and in the barn management process is to control the most important positions in the temperature and humidity, temperature and humidity will directly affect the quality of food storage. With the rapid development of intelligent detection systems